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A great advantage of a large corporation is supposed to be the large pool of talent in which its leaders can find and groom high achievers and successors.  (Advantage Quotes) To turn an obstacle to one’s advantage is a great step towards victory  (Advantage Quotes) Calmness is great advantage; he that lets Another chafe, may warm him at his fire  (Advantage Quotes) ...and the great advantage of being a literary woman, was that you could go everywhere and do everything.  (Advantage Quotes) To this hour, the great science and duty of politics is lowered by the petty leaven of small and personal advantage ...  (Advantage Quotes) It is no great advantage to possess a quick wit, if it is not correct; the perfection is not speed but uniformity.  (Advantage Quotes) It is of great advantage that man should know his station, and not imagine that the whole universe exists only for him.  (Advantage Quotes) I had the great advantage of a mother who used to tell me the most beautiful years of a woman’s life are ages 35 to 45.  (Advantage Quotes) With my size and speed, my ability to make moves and great vision, I’m sometimes feel like it’s an unfair advantage over the defense.  (Advantage Quotes) There is little advantage in pleasing ourselves when we please no one else, for our great self-love is often chastised by the scorn of others.  (Advantage Quotes) I believe the Negro blood counts, and counts to my advantage - though it has caused me at times a life of great humiliation and sorrow.  (Advantage Quotes) Take advantage of this great opportunity in your life to live it well, to be good, to have good works, and to influence other people for good.  (Advantage Quotes) With this idea, being a man with long experience of the sea (and they certainly have a great advantage over other men in any sort of task)...  (Advantage Quotes) It’s been a company [Exxon] that’s been unbelievably managed and to me, a great advantage is Rex Tillerson knows many of the players and he knows them well.  (Advantage Quotes) The great artist is the man who most obviously succeeds in turning his pains to advantage, in letting suffering deepen his understanding and sensibility, in growing through his pains.  (Advantage Quotes) It would be a great advantage to some schoolmasters if they would steal two hours a day from their pupils and give their own minds the benefit of the robbery.  (Advantage Quotes) It doesn’t matter what business you’re in. It is the people who achieve things, not capital, and the great advantage for us is that I think women have always known this.  (Advantage Quotes) What a great advantage a man can have over women, if he only knew what cold and calculating thoughts are going through her mind.... while her eyes are brimming with tears.  (Advantage Quotes) I love doing great entertainment, but I like the joke to be on me. I don’t want to take advantage of some poor person and dog ‘em out and let the chips fall.  (Advantage Quotes) The attitude of independence toward a constructed language which all national speakers must adopt is really a great advantage, because it tends to make man see himself as the master of language instead of its obedient servant.  (Advantage Quotes) I definitely had an advantage growing up in New York. It’s different playing on a New York playground.  (Advantage Quotes) Highly intelligent and well-informed people disagree on every political issue. Therefore, intelligence and knowledge are useless for making decisions, because if any of that stuff helped, then all the smart people would have the same opinions. So use your gut instinct to make voting choices. That is exactly like being clueless, but with the added advantage that you’ll feel as if your random vote preserved democracy.  (Advantage Quotes) I travel so much when I work, I’ve really been happy to do ‘Nice Work’ because I feel like a true New Yorker again. I have my little regimen during the day, and I can take advantage of the museums and the things that I love. And people watching!  (Advantage Quotes) Sure, the home-field is an advantage - but so is having a lot of talent  (Advantage Quotes) If you’re an artist, you have to use everything to your advantage, even the pain  (Advantage Quotes) When you have an advantage, you are obliged to attack; otherwise you are endangered to lose the advantage.  (Advantage Quotes) For me, modelling has been an advantage because if I hadn’t been modelling, I would never have been spotted as an actress. I didn’t have any intention of becoming an actress.  (Advantage Quotes) I like to think of the world as a sort of a casino, except the house doesn’t have the advantage. If you’re smart, you have an advantage. It behooves you to place a lot of bets.  (Advantage Quotes) I don’t back down. Like, I don’t know how to flop. That’s never been a part of my game. For me to know if a guy likes to turn left shoulder or right shoulder in the post, I have an advantage. Or if he likes to go left all the time, I have an advantage. Or if he can’t make open jump shots, I have an advantage.  (Advantage Quotes) Mexico will not be taking advantage of us. They will not be having open borders.  (Advantage Quotes)
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