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Aesthetes Quotes

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Aesthetes never do anything but what they are told  (Aesthetes Quotes) Reading poetry and watching cricket were the sum of my world, and the two are not so far apart as many aesthetes might believe  (Aesthetes Quotes) To be bewitched is not to be saved, though all the magicians and aesthetes in the world should pronounce it to be so  (Aesthetes Quotes) Where beauty is worshipped for beauty’s sake as a goddess, independent of and superior to morality and philosophy, the most horrible putrefaction is apt to set in. The lives of the aesthetes are the far from edifying commentary on the religion of beauty  (Aesthetes Quotes) Aesthetes have it all over intellectuals in one very important respect: You’ll rarely catch us hustling anyone off to the nearest guillotine. We’re too busy trying to make the world more beautiful. Our hands are stained with ink and paint, not blood.  (Aesthetes Quotes)