Affairs Quotes

Text Quotes
Treat your online affairs as part of your affairs that need to be in order - your bank, your Internet bill - you need to have people who know what you want. (Affairs Quotes)
For those who have come here illegally, they might have a transition time to allow them to set their affairs in order. And then go back home and get in line with everybody else. And if they get in line and they apply to become a citizen and get a green card, they will be treated like everybody else. (Affairs Quotes)
Neoconservatism in all its pomp conceived - in the Project for a New American Century - that, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the world could be remade in the American image, that the previous bipolar world could be replaced by a unipolar one in which the U.S. was the dominant arbiter of global and regional affairs. (Affairs Quotes)
As British and French imperialism ebbed following the end of the Second World War, America became the main outside player in Arab affairs. (Affairs Quotes)
The internal affairs of other countries has a big impact on American interests (Affairs Quotes)
Ronald Reagan in foreign affairs, I think, was someone who had certain, very general ideas, general propositions by which he lives: To combat communism, to build up the American military power to assure our national security against any conceivable threat. (Affairs Quotes)
The average American never loses his sleep about affairs which relate to his society and to our whole country. (Affairs Quotes)
A man of active and resilient mind outwears his friendships just as certainly as he outwears his love affairs, his politics and his epistemology. (Affairs Quotes)
Because man and woman are the complement of one another, we need woman’s thought in national affairs to make a safe and stable government. (Affairs Quotes)
Acceptance without proof is the fundamental characteristic of religion. Rejection without proof is the fundamental characteristic of science. In other words, religion has become a matter of the heart and science has become a matter of the mind. This regrettable state of affairs does not reflect the fact that physiologically , one cannot exist without the other. Mind and heart are only different aspects of us. (Affairs Quotes)
It is a law woven into the nature of man, attested by history, by science, by literature and art, and by dally experience, that strength of mind and force of character are the supreme rulers of human affairs. (Affairs Quotes)
Actually, if you take the average American, and studies have shown that, he is really concerned only with private affairs; that is to say, with his health, his money and family affairs. (Affairs Quotes)
This generation - it’s almost a religious thing now. The millennium, the end days, no need to be responsible anymore to the future. A burden has been lifted from them. The Baby Jesus is managing the portfolio of earthly affairs, and nobody begrudges Him the carried interest... (Affairs Quotes)
A cat is a regency gentleman--elegant of pose, exquisite of manner, with spotless linen and an enthusiasm for bare knuckle fights, rampaging love affairs, duels by moonlight and the singing of glees. He expects immaculate service from his domestic staff, and possesses a range of invective that would make a navy blanch. (Affairs Quotes)
The world is a challenging place in terms of wars and peace, basic human rights and freedoms. The Holy Father has a major role to play in global affairs. The pope is more than a spiritual leader. For the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, he is an inspiration of holiness and goodness and, above all, the faithful proclamation of the Gospel. (Affairs Quotes)
We must be truthful and fair in the ordinary affairs of life before we can be truthful and fair in patriotism and religion. (Affairs Quotes)
Both sides of the political spectrum must one day realize that limitless government intrusion in the economy, in our personal lives, and in the affairs of other nations cannot serve the best interests of America. (Affairs Quotes)
A Health Affairs study comparing patient-satisfaction scores with HCAHPS surveys of almost 100,000 nurses showed that a better nurse work environment was associated with higher scores on every patient-satisfaction survey question. (Affairs Quotes)
In my view of the present aspect of affairs, there is no need of bloodshed and war. There is no necessity for it. I am not in favor of such a course, and I may say in advance, there will be no blood shed unless it be forced upon the government. The government will not use force unless force is used against it. (Affairs Quotes)
I met a girl, we ate, we drank, had sex, got married, had affairs, broke up - God, what a night that was! (Affairs Quotes)
I have known not a few men who, after reaching the summits of business success, found themselves miserable on attaining retirement age. They were so exclusively engrossed in their day to day affairs that they had no time for friend making. (Affairs Quotes)
A recent study by David Green and Laura Casper, ‘Delay, Denial and Dilution,’ written for the London-based Institute of Economic Affairs, concludes that the World Health Organization calculated that Britain has as many as 25,000 unnecessary cancer deaths a year because of under-provision of care. (Affairs Quotes)
Today we no longer regard the universe as the cause of our own undeserved troubles but perhaps, on the contrary, as the last refuge from the mismanagement of our earthly affairs. (Affairs Quotes)
A smart soldier wants to know the causes of wars. Also how to end them. After all, war is the normal state of affairs, isn’t it? Peace is the name of the ideal we deduce from the fact that there have been interludes between wars. (Affairs Quotes)
Human affairs are like a chess game. Only those who do not take it seriously can be called good players. (Affairs Quotes)
To each of us is entrusted the heavy responsibility of guiding the affairs of a democratic nation founded on Christian ideals. (Affairs Quotes)
In the 1940s, traveling for an African was a complicated process. All Africans over the age of sixteen were compelled to carry ‘Native passes’ issued by the Native Affairs Department and were required to show that pass to any white policeman, civil servant, or employer. Failure to do so could mean arrest, trial, a jail sentence or fine. (Affairs Quotes)
College football: I do not see the relationship of those highly industrialized affairs on Saturday afternoons to higher learning in America. (Affairs Quotes)
No affairs for me. It is so wonderful to have a family to come home to, to sit with them, pull each other’s legs... To lose all of that for what? Who’s got the time? I’m having great fun working. (Affairs Quotes)
Hillary Clinton is going to find common ground with the Republicans on foreign and military affairs. They both want to enhance the military budget. (Affairs Quotes)