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Affected Quotes

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There’s conflict on every continent, the poverty rate is increasing, the environment’s a wreck, and I’m not supposed to be affected?  (Affected Quotes) The notion that I should be fine with the status quo even if I am not wholly affected by the status quo is repulsive  (Affected Quotes) And last, we must bear in mind that the relationships between perception, thought, emotion, and behavior are neither automatic nor consistent. In many cases they are demonstrably affected or directed by culture and socialization. We don’t just want what we want because we want it; we want what we want because that’s what we’ve learned to want  (Affected Quotes) Light to me is perhaps the most profound truth in the universe. My thinking has been deeply affected by the belief everything is some form of radiant energy  (Affected Quotes) Toxic remnants of war represent a profound challenge for the protection of public health and the restoration of the environment in countries affected by conflict  (Affected Quotes) Environmental history was... born out of a moral purpose, with strong political commitments behind it, but also became, as it matured, a scholarly enterprise that had neither any simple, nor any single, moral or political agenda to promote. Its principal goal became one of deepening our understanding of how humans have been affected by their natural environment through time and, conversely, how they have affected that environment and with what results  (Affected Quotes) My thoughts and prayers go out to the thousands of marathon runners, onlookers, city officials and others affected by this senseless tragedy  (Affected Quotes) Light and color are closely linked. The colors can make a crucial change in nature, if you switch from daylight to artificial light or just from strong to weak illumination. In addition, color perception is affected by the material structure. Even if a piece of textile can have the same color as a shiny enamel plate, then they will act completely different  (Affected Quotes) If someone gets up and walks out of the movie, it means it’s really affected them  (Affected Quotes) I wish we could go back to the time when the private lives of our public figures were relevant only if they directly affected their public responsibilities  (Affected Quotes) I enjoy acting, and it’s given me a ton of happiness and it’s affected my life and my family’s lives in ways that we just can’t imagine  (Affected Quotes) We develop social systems for the handicapped, but when you’re handicapped in your mind, society doesn’t handle those situations well. I think we don’t recognize or acknowledge the power of messages and how deeply affected we all are by the messages we receive from the media  (Affected Quotes) I enjoy being on stage with other artists. I have a chance to watch and see people responding to the other artists songs. I get to see how people are affected by the music  (Affected Quotes) People tend to think that because I’m a performer and I don’t go to a regular high school that I haven’t personally been affected by bullies. But it’s actually quite the contrary  (Affected Quotes) I grew up on film sets but more around the process of making films. I saw a lot of the editing process and the writing process, which takes years. That really affected me growing up, that side of it  (Affected Quotes) You know, a lot of actors I think go into acting for therapy from whatever trauma has affected them as children. But for me, I think I sought out the drama. That’s why I like doing what I do  (Affected Quotes) At the end of the day, I just want a movie that’s great, that people are going to love and laugh at and be affected by, and also have an emotional journey  (Affected Quotes) I love so and so, how can I let go of them? You don’t have to. You do whatever you chose. What you think, you become. Your thoughts are strongly affected by those you are emotionally open to  (Affected Quotes) Inwardly the sun also has an energy field, it has an aura, so does the earth, so does the moon, and so do all the planets. We’re affected by those auras. It’s not something that you really want to reason out  (Affected Quotes) Like a broken vase does not fear of breaking once more, my broken heart is not affected by your hurting words anymore!  (Affected Quotes) Early on I came to realize something, and it came from the mail I received from kids. That is, kids at that pivotal age, 12, 13 or 14, they’re still deeply affected by what they read, some are changed by what they read, books can change the way they feel about the world in general. I don’t think that’s true of adults as much  (Affected Quotes) Separate two particles, place them at opposite ends of the universe, produce some effect in one, and the other will be identically affected  (Affected Quotes) Physically my brain is in great shape. My motor functions are fine, but I think going through the whole ordeal... coming pretty close to death, may have affected my priorities  (Affected Quotes) If you are serving justice to one person, those who have been affected should also be served some form of justice  (Affected Quotes) The most important thing for you to do is see that in hoping to be affected by other things as fully as possible, you become more yourself  (Affected Quotes) The word compositon moved me spiritually and I made it my aim in life to paint a composition. It affected me like a prayer and filled me with awe  (Affected Quotes) The volatile natural gas market has affected us all, and we are giving our customers an option to lock in their electricity price for the entire year. This will allow them to anticipate their electricity bills and budget accordingly throughout 2006  (Affected Quotes) When you are enlightened and have united your mind with the deepest and most ancient part of the mind of the universe, you are not affected by suffering the way other people are  (Affected Quotes) Beyond happiness and unhappiness is truth. Truth is not affected by anything in the relative world. Truth is the unifying aspect of existence  (Affected Quotes) We have to remind ourselves that we are not the transitory body, we are not the person who is having experiences, we are not affected by action or inaction  (Affected Quotes)
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