Afford Quotes

Text Quotes
There is definitely a need for increasing capacity in higher education; a large part of this is being met in the technical education segment by the private sector and in the non-technical by the state sector. In the public sector, we will do whatever we can afford. (Afford Quotes)
Start lifting your brand off the ground with an excelling mentality becoming best at what you do. You can’t afford to be an average person although you may have begun from a level below average (Afford Quotes)
It’s fairness to say those who work hard, get up in the morning, cut their cloth - in other words ‘we can only afford to have one or two children because we don’t earn enough’. They pay their taxes and they want to know that the same kind of decision-making is taking place for those on benefits. (Afford Quotes)
A real friend ... exults in his friend’s happiness, rejoices in all his joys, and is ready to afford him the best advice. (Afford Quotes)
Every parent wants to do what’s best for their child. Whatever I can afford, I’m going to get my kid the best education I can get. (Afford Quotes)
If you were shopping for a father, you’d have to take out a serious loan to afford mine. He’s the best. (Afford Quotes)
I don’t come from a wealthy or privileged background, and growing up I was always looking for the best quality at a price I could afford. My love of vintage is rooted in that. Drugstores were the mecca for the latest makeup trends and products. (Afford Quotes)
Kids should go to college, but they should go to the best school they can afford to get through with minimal or no debt. That might mean going to a community college or an inexpensive local state school. Whatever it takes. (Afford Quotes)
When I was a kid, it was Bette Davis. She was my idol. I used to cut school and sit in the back of the theater; of course, I would have snuck in because I couldn’t afford a ticket. (Afford Quotes)
Get-rich-quick thinking leads to three basic errors: (1) Getting involved with things you cannot understand; (2) Risking funds you cannot afford to lose, that is, borrowed funds; and (3) Making hasty decisions. Each of these actions violates one or more biblical principles... Together they constitute a sin called greed. (Afford Quotes)
I do go against my leadership all the time because I stand firm on the four questions that I ask about all legislation. The first, is it constitutional according to the original intent? The second, does it fit the Judeo-Christian Biblical principles that our nation is founded upon? Third, do we need it? Fourth, can we afford it? (Afford Quotes)
Democracy is buying a big house you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you wish were dead. (Afford Quotes)
We had everything. We were young kids. We were driving cars our parents couldn’t afford, living in big houses. For me to sit here and say, Oh my God, I didn’t enjoy any of it - no, I did. Of course I did. (Afford Quotes)
India made a big mistake by signing up to TRIPS. With a population of 1.3 billion, India can’t afford a monopoly in healthcare. Monopolies lead to higher prices and we can’t allow them in a country like India with so much poverty and misery. It was like signing our own death warrant. (Afford Quotes)
Like all creatures, humans have made their way in the world by trial and error. Unlike other creatures we have a presence so colossal that error is a luxury we can no longer afford. The world has grown too small to forgive us any big mistakes. (Afford Quotes)
Behind every liberal philanthropist fortune is a huge capitalist score. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can afford now to be liberal - an expensive indulgence - because in their early incarnations they were no-holds-barred capitalists who made lots of enemies conducting business without mercy and in search of pure profit. (Afford Quotes)
I was born on the kitchen table. We were so poor my mother couldn’t afford to have me; the lady next door gave birth to me. (Afford Quotes)
Black women as a group have never been fools. We couldn’t afford to be. (Afford Quotes)
Pot had helped, and booze, maybe a little blow when you could afford it (Afford Quotes)
You can’t afford to get sick, and you can’t depend on the present health care system to keep you well. It’s up to you to protect and maintain your body’s innate capacity for health and healing by making the right choices in how you live. (Afford Quotes)
When food prices surge, poor families suddenly find themselves unable to afford enough nutritious food. If this happens during the first thousand days of a child’s life, the damage to his or her body and mind can be permanent. (Afford Quotes)
Once your body is in workout-mode, a few days off won’t hurt. Muscle memory is magical. If you work out consistently, you can afford to miss a few sessions and your body will gladly pick up where you left off. (Afford Quotes)
There is too much disagreement for disagreement’s sake. In a time of persistent challenges that still call into question our most sacred aspirations as a country, we cannot afford shallow callous divisiveness in our public debate. (Afford Quotes)
Books of quotations ... afford me one of the most undemanding but satisfying forms of reading pleasure. (Afford Quotes)
My family could only afford to get me the box of eight Crayola crayons, but I craved the one with all 24 colours. I wanted magenta and turquoise and silver and gold. (Afford Quotes)
If a relationship is going wrong, if a marriage is going wrong, the answer cannot simply be to say, ‘You can’t afford to break up because you are going to lose the house.’ The answer has to be only one thing, which is ‘I love you.’ (Afford Quotes)
It is crucial that we realize the great value of human existence, the opportunity and the potential that our brief lives afford us. It is only as humans that we have the possibility of implementing changes in our lives. (Afford Quotes)
And also they were absolutely brilliant in one way, you know: they knew how effective is not to punish somebody who is guilty; what Communist Party members could afford to do was mind-boggling: they could do practically anything they wanted - steal, you know, lie, whatever. (Afford Quotes)
The banks’ product is debt. They try to tell customers that debts are good for you, but the customers can’t afford any more debt, so there’s no way the banks can continue their current business plan. (Afford Quotes)
My older sister is a working mom. She’s busy. She chooses to spend money on her children. But she should be able to afford a good shoe for herself. (Afford Quotes)