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Afraid Quotes

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You write your first novel with the desperation of the damned. You’re afraid that you’ll never write anything else, ever again  (Afraid Quotes) You can spend the rest of your life being afraid of people rejecting you. You have to start by not rejecting yourself. You don’t deserve it  (Afraid Quotes) I don’t get afraid in talking about subject matter that may spark controversy, and I’m not afraid to not be liked. I think that sometimes people pay too much attention to being liked, and it’s paralyzing  (Afraid Quotes) Oh! my friend, when you feel bursting on your lips the vow of eternal love, do not be afraid to yield, but do not confound wine with intoxication; do not think the cup divine because the draft is of celestial flavor; do not be astonished to find it broken and empty in the evening  (Afraid Quotes) I am not afraid of retaliations. I don’t have kids. I don’t have a wife, no car, no credit. It may seem pompous, but I’d rather die standing than live on my knees  (Afraid Quotes) It’s the moment when you know that you can have what you want if you’re only brave enough to say so. It’s a split second when everything can change, but you pussy out because you’re too afraid to risk the rejection  (Afraid Quotes) The earth becomes heaven when you release your fear. The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human  (Afraid Quotes) I’m afraid that if I raced you on the street I’d push you to your death  (Afraid Quotes) I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence. Fear is such a weak emotion, that’s why I despise it. We’re scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth. So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you  (Afraid Quotes) If you follow anything that I’ve ever done, I never stick to one thing more than one year. I’m just afraid to get typecast  (Afraid Quotes) You need to marry the qualitative with the quantitative. It better informs us so we can decide what to do. We can’t be afraid of data and analysis. We have to use that lens  (Afraid Quotes) I’m afraid of elevators, because they are an enclosed space, but I get in  (Afraid Quotes) I broke down. I hid under the bed because I was afraid that somebody was going to come for me. I don’t know who that someone was but I was just so scared. Not a single person at any level of government took any note of me. No one checked to see if I had a place to live or food to eat, and at 14, I found myself basically on my own  (Afraid Quotes) The franchise tag is worth something to the team, and you can’t be afraid to use it  (Afraid Quotes) I’m sure the feeling of fear, as long as you can take advantage of it and not be rendered useless by it, can make you extend yourself beyond what you would regard as your capacity. If you’re afraid, the blood seems to flow freely through the veins, and you really do feel a sense of stimulation  (Afraid Quotes) I knew I wanted to be a writer and I knew if I had a wife and family, I would neglect something, and I was afraid it wouldn’t be the writing  (Afraid Quotes) If something controls you in a way that puzzles you, think of it as a mystery. Mysteries are best approached by closing your eyes and mouth to experience darkness and silence. I find new and healing images in that dark, silent place away from emotions that control me. Do not be afraid to close your eyes and be silent in prayer, meditation, rest or sleep. In those states you may rediscover a new self. Then your life, time and thoughts will become yours again and you can live your unique myth  (Afraid Quotes) Unexplained pain may sometimes direct our attention to something unacknowledged, something we are afraid to know or feel. Then it holds us to our integrity, claiming the attention we withhold. The thing which calls our attention may be a repressed experience or some unexpressed and important part of who we are. Whatever we have denied may stop us and dam the creative flow of our lives. Avoiding pain, we may linger in the vicinity of our wounds, sometime for many years, gathering the courage to experience them  (Afraid Quotes) Concentrate on the wonders and joys of this life, and accept the very best which is your true heritage. It is not being an ostrich, afraid of life and not facing it. It is seeing the reality of this glorious life which is yours, and in doing so, helping to bring it about. The more clearly you can see it, the more quickly will it come about  (Afraid Quotes) Stalin didn’t write any memoirs. He was too secretive. He was afraid people might read them  (Afraid Quotes) I didn’t know it was possible to be successful as a writer, so I wasn’t afraid to fail  (Afraid Quotes) I don’t see my movies. I think it’s healthier and safer to keep a bit of distance. I’m afraid to be disappointed  (Afraid Quotes) I always tell students that writing a poem and publishing it are two quite separate things, and you should write what you have to write, and if you’re afraid it’s going to upset someone, don’t publish it  (Afraid Quotes) The interesting thing is that you don’t often meet a poet who doesn’t have a sense of humour, and some of them do keep it out of their poems because they’re afraid of being seen as light versifiers  (Afraid Quotes) If I were afraid of wrinkles, I’d probably be hiding in a cupboard, because I have a lot of them  (Afraid Quotes) I used to hang out a lot in jazz clubs, and the groups took to a kid like me who wasn’t afraid to get up and sing with a jazz band. Then I started to hang out in rock clubs and learned to carry off different styles  (Afraid Quotes) Many people are afraid to talk about race because it’s so emotionally loaded. We don’t have the vocabulary to talk about it. Every day, our vocabulary seems more and more inadequate  (Afraid Quotes) You have to shoot, to want to score goals no matter how. Just score that goal! You can’t be afraid to miss  (Afraid Quotes) One of the things I love about directing is I love actors, because no matter how complex they are, once you get down to working and talking to them and the toughest guy will want you to open them up and he wants to show you stuff he was afraid to show anybody before  (Afraid Quotes) Two or three notes of music can instantly make you feel sad or tense or afraid or angry. To do that in words is much more difficult  (Afraid Quotes)
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