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Afraid Quotes

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It often occurs that pride and selfishness are muddled with strength and independence. They are neither equal nor similar; in fact, they are polar opposites. A coward may be so cowardly that he masks his weakness with some false personification of power. He is afraid to love and to be loved because love tends to strip bare all emotional barricades. Without love, strength and independence are prone to losing every bit of their worth; they become nothing more than a fearful, intimidated, empty tent lost somewhere in the desert of self  (Afraid Quotes) The success of my comedy has been not being afraid to touch on subject matters or issues that everyone else is politically scared of  (Afraid Quotes) It’s okay to feel weak sometimes. It’s okay to be afraid. The important thing is that we face our fears. That’s...that’s what makes us strong  (Afraid Quotes) I am afraid that there are more people than I can imagine who can go no further than appreciating a picture that is a rectangle with an object in the middle of it, which they can identify  (Afraid Quotes) Ordinary men live in fear all the time. Didn’t you know that? We’re afraid of the weather, we’re afraid of powerful men, we’re afraid of the night and the monsters that lurk in the dark, we’re afraid of growing old and of dying. Sometimes we’re even afraid of living. Ordinary men are afraid almost every minute of their lives  (Afraid Quotes) I think the most tortured place in hell should be reserved not for traitors, but... for cowards. The weakest, most spineless losers. Because it seems to me that traitors? At least they made a choice. But cowards? They just run around biting their fingernails, totally afraid to do anything. Which is totally worse  (Afraid Quotes) When the forms of an old culture are dying, the new culture is created by a few people who are not afraid to be insecure  (Afraid Quotes) Don’t be afraid to be yourself and don’t let anybody tell you that that’s wrong. Because the best thing is you  (Afraid Quotes) Everything I was afraid of when I was growing up, I’ve become. I’ve taken on my nightmares, like the devil and the end of the world, and I’ve become those things  (Afraid Quotes) If your fear is talking to people, then go out and talk to people. You will find it just keeps getting easier and there’s really nothing to be afraid of. However, I can tell you that if I stop for a month, it starts to seem scary again. So, the easiest way to fend off fear is to attack it, embrace it  (Afraid Quotes) You can’t stay married in a situation where you are afraid to go to sleep in case your wife might cut your throat  (Afraid Quotes) I was afraid of the pain of dying and terribly reluctant to leave the world behind because I liked life a lot, even if it had been pretty tough sometimes  (Afraid Quotes) I’m always looking for something that’s real and that’s got meat on it. I think it’s artistic suicide if you’re too vain, or if you’re afraid to play ugly. I would never fall for that  (Afraid Quotes) Why does soldiers leave the protection of his trench hole in the ground and go forward in the face of shot and shell? It is because of the leader who is in front of him and his comrades who are around him. Comradeship makes a man feel warm and courageous when all his instincts tend to make him cold and afraid  (Afraid Quotes) If you want to be an entrepreneur, fail as fast as you can. The longer you go without that experience, the more afraid you will be of it, and then you will never do it!  (Afraid Quotes) People are afraid to think, or they don’t know how. They fail to realize that, while emotions can’t be suppressed, the mind can be strengthened. All over the world people are seeking peace of mind, but there can be no peace of mind without strength of mind  (Afraid Quotes) Rewrite and revise. Do not be afraid to seize what you have and cut it to ribbons... Good writing means good revising  (Afraid Quotes) Your mind is turbulent because you’re filled with desires, frustrations. You want too many things. You are afraid of too many things. It is necessary to overcome both attraction and repulsion to still the mind  (Afraid Quotes) Many people excuse themselves by claiming that they don’t have to do work anymore because they are beyond it. They are simply afraid of getting their hands dirty. Getting your hands dirty washes your being  (Afraid Quotes) Don’t be afraid to take a chance, to jump. Because death will always swallow you up anyway. Death is a friend; it encourages us to become aware, to become free  (Afraid Quotes) To be afraid of our next life because we don’t feel we’ve done a good job with this life is not wise. It creates unhappiness now  (Afraid Quotes) What if you do fail, and get fairly rolled in the dirt once or twice. Up again, you shall never be so afraid of a tumble  (Afraid Quotes) Conservatism is sometimes a symptom of sterility. Those who have nothing in them that can grow and develop must cling to what they have in beliefs, ideas and possessions. The sterile radical, too, is basically conservative. He is afraid to let go of the ideas and beliefs he picked up in his youth lest his life be seen as empty and wasted  (Afraid Quotes) Women are most adorable when they are afraid; that’s why they frighten so easily  (Afraid Quotes) Life is just the same as learning to swim. Do not be afraid of making mistakes, for there is no other way of learning how to live!  (Afraid Quotes) Darwin was not afraid to look deeply into the void. His bold view can be seen as either noble and pessimistic or noble and admirable. For people of science, he is a hero. Denying man a privileged place in creation,.. he reaffirms with his own intellectual courage the dignity of man  (Afraid Quotes) I haven’t yet managed to capture the colour of this landscape; there are moments when I’m appalled at the colours I’m having to use, I’m afraid what I’m doing is just dreadful and yet I really am understating it; the light is simply terrifying  (Afraid Quotes) We’re afraid that this anger or sorrow or loneliness is going to last forever... Instead, acting it out is what makes it last  (Afraid Quotes) I’m afraid I tend to be thinking about things and not paying sufficient attention to one’s posture, deportment and general cast of face  (Afraid Quotes) I have committed myself to joy. I have come to realize that those who make space for joy, those who prefer nothing to joy, those who desire the utter reality, will most assuredly have it. We must not be afraid to announce it to refugees, slum dwellers, saddened prisoners, angry prophets. Now and then we must even announce it to ourselves. In this prison of now, in this cynical and sophisticated age, someone must believe in joy  (Afraid Quotes)
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