African Quotes

Text Quotes
It is up to African leaders to show their will and political courage in order to assure that this new pan-African institution becomes an efficient instrument and not a place for endless discussions. (African Quotes)
Gone are the days when African leaders used to misrule their people and the rest of Africa was quiet under the guise of what was called non-interference. (African Quotes)
Thanks to aid, a distressing number of African leaders care little about what their citizens want or need - after all it’s the reverse of the Boston tea-party - no representation without taxation. (African Quotes)
Perhaps if we all subscribed to the African concept of Ubuntu - that we all become people through other people, and that we cannot be fully human alone, we could learn a lot. There’d be less hatred and more harmony. (African Quotes)
What makes Harlem special is that at any given time, food seekers can not only find food deeply rooted in Southern, Latin and African traditions, but also can taste the newer Senegalese, Chinese, and Italian influences as well. (African Quotes)
The whole structure of African government, as far back as we know, was based on tyranny. One guy ran the show. Chiefs like Chaka and Mzilikazi committed terrible atrocities. That is the tradition from which modern African rulers spring. It won’t change easily overnight. (African Quotes)
Among the friends of Union, there is great diversity of sentiment and of policy in regard to slavery and the African race among us. (African Quotes)
I want you to know that I don’t have any right, Malawi has no right to stop any president from coming to an African Union summit because that is an African Union meeting. (African Quotes)
After Nigeria, we are the second biggest black African nation. We are the headquarters of the African Union. We are the only African country that has never been colonized. This is perhaps the last surviving African civilization. (African Quotes)
The question was never whether the United States, E.U., NATO, Arab League, U.N. Security Council, and African Union could together using economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure, and military attacks to bring Qaddafi down. The question was always how much time, how much blood, and what damage to NATO. (African Quotes)
In Nigeria, along with its West African neighbor Ghana, women are now starting businesses in greater numbers than men. (African Quotes)
We don’t all have to take the same coordinates to get to the same destination. Being a young African American female artist, I want to open doors for young black girls. (African Quotes)
American audiences don’t react in the same way as European ones to African music because, I think, Europeans listen to this music through all the festivals that exist here. (African Quotes)
The rise of African nations concurrent with the spread of the Nation of Islam and the civil rights movement gave black America a burst of pride over and above anything they had had since the decline of the movement of Marcus Garvey. (African Quotes)
I’ve made it my mission to make movies starring African American actors and about the African American experience and put them in the mainstream. They’re very universal stories I’ve told - every movie I’ve done. (African Quotes)
I think that there are some people on the so-called Left who might say we have to circle our wagons around the first African American president, and to me that is racism in reverse because his policies are actually still the racist policies of empire. (African Quotes)
If it were in our national security to deploy to South Africa under apartheid, would we have found it acceptable or customary to segregate African American soldiers from other American soldiers, and say, ‘It’s just a cultural thing’? I don’t think so. I would hope not. (African Quotes)
I’m one of the few Black writers, or African American writers, who managed to work my way through the system so that it has allowed me to speak in a kind of free way. But most African American writers don’t have that. They don’t have that opportunity, they don’t have that. (African Quotes)
I’m an immigrant writer, or an African writer, or an Ethiopian-American writer, and occasionally an American writer according to the whims and needs of my interpreters. (African Quotes)
I come from a world where the word ‘trauma’ doesn’t exist, because we are too poor. I didn’t have an easy life compared to the average European. But compared to the average African, it wasn’t all that bad. (African Quotes)
My first introduction to African music was by my mother, who bought the ‘Pata Pata’ album by the great Miriam Makeba when it came out. Now that is an album. What a voice. (African Quotes)
In ancient African cultures, a young man was not considered a full member of the tribe, an elder, a man. He couldn’t marry and he couldn’t own land until he had killed a lion. It was symbolic. (African Quotes)
When I was a child, the African forest sounded like a dream to me, because it was full of animals and it was wild. (African Quotes)
African art is functional, it serves a purpose. It’s not a dormant. It’s not a means to collect the largest cheering section. It should be healing, a source a joy. Spreading positive vibrations. (African Quotes)
I’m very interested in heritage restoration, and I’m working with a group of people to create a number of academies and performance spaces to encourage native arts and crafts and to explore African history. (African Quotes)
I like African and avant-garde music, anything that’s vaguely interesting. Hard rock I get a bit bored with because it’s what I do. So anything outside of hard rock’s fine by me. (African Quotes)
When I think of my work, I’m aware that I’m American and African at all points and times. And without a doubt, my experience and understanding of America was shaped by having immigrant parents. (African Quotes)
My sister is a good story of resiliency. She had a full ride at UC Davis, but she left school to go to the Philippines - and then she decided to go back to school in her 40s, which surprised me. She went to UC Berkeley, and I think she was one of two African Americans in her class at Haas. She’s really impressive. (African Quotes)
I come from an African Caribbean background. I’ve been influenced by a reggae church music style, contemporary gospel, and rock all fused together. (African Quotes)
Going back and forth between Western Arabic and African countries clearly created the various musical backgrounds I could have and obviously influenced my professional attitude, my way of approaching both music composition and singing, particularly phrasing. (African Quotes)