After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hour glass and made the angels moan

After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hour glass and made the angels moan
Elton John, the legendary singer-songwriter known for his flamboyant style and powerful vocals, has always been a master of storytelling through his music. With his poetic lyrics and captivating melodies, he has the ability to transport listeners to another world, where emotions run deep and the imagination soars.The line "After claws and feathers, he took skin and bone, shaped it like an hourglass and made the angels moan" is a perfect example of Elton John's ability to create vivid and evocative imagery in his songs. The imagery of claws and feathers suggests a sense of primal power and beauty, while the mention of skin and bone adds a sense of vulnerability and mortality. The image of an hourglass, with its connotations of time slipping away, adds a sense of urgency and inevitability to the scene.
The phrase "made the angels moan" is particularly striking, as it suggests a sense of divine or otherworldly beings being moved to emotion by the actions of the protagonist. This could be interpreted as a metaphor for the impact that the protagonist's actions have on those around him, or as a literal depiction of supernatural beings reacting to his power.