Afterward Quotes

Text Quotes
Fatherland before everything, art afterward (Afterward Quotes)
True friends laugh at you when you fall but give you a hand afterward (Afterward Quotes)
... we should be men first, and subjects afterward (Afterward Quotes)
O citizens, first acquire wealth; you can practice virtue afterward (Afterward Quotes)
And did the biblical Lazarus have a mother? What did she do when he was resurrected? Did he bid her good-bye before he returned to his undeath? Was he the same son to her undead as he was alive? I read that he sailed to Marseilles with his sisters afterward, where he may or may not have died again (Afterward Quotes)
Only those who do not care, only those who find a way to diminish or extinguish the value of other human beings, survive wars without damage and speak of warrior honor afterward (Afterward Quotes)
Complementary to his is Thurber's remark that humour is a kind of emotional chaos, told about quietly and calmly in retrospect. Emotional chaos is not pleasant; distillation of that chaos afterward may perhaps be pleasant in some of its aspects, and undoubtedly gives pleasure to others (Afterward Quotes)
Is it really so difficult to tell a good action from a bad one? I think one usually knows right away or a moment afterward, in a horrid flash of regret (Afterward Quotes)
Television was the most revolutionary event of the century. Its importance was in a class with the discovery of gunpowder and the invention of the printing press, which changed the human condition for centuries afterward (Afterward Quotes)
A man is a fool if he drinks before he reaches the age of 50, and a fool if he doesn't afterward (Afterward Quotes)
Self disciplined begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don't control what you think, you can't control what you do. Simply, self discipline enables you to think first and act afterward (Afterward Quotes)
There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality (Afterward Quotes)
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward (Afterward Quotes)
Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward (Afterward Quotes)
He sat by her, watching every gesture she made, as if he would paint her portrait afterward (Afterward Quotes)
Strike an average between what a woman thinks of her husband a month before she marries him and what she thinks of him a year afterward, and you will have the truth about him (Afterward Quotes)
Men are fair, and they have learned not to personalize anger - they can disagree with you and argue to the bone, but afterward they still consider you a nice person with whom the underlying human relationship need not be altered (Afterward Quotes)
Now the only thing I miss about sex is the cigarette afterward. Next to the first one in the morning, it's the best one of all. It tasted so good that even if I had been frigid I would have pretended otherwise just to be able to smoke it (Afterward Quotes)
I sure saw a lot of kids that I'm sure didn't know a lot about us, or we were definitely new to them. The kids who came up to me afterward, we'd talk about music, sign a lot of autographs. So I'm sure we made a lot of new fans (Afterward Quotes)
Margo always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe she loved mysteries so much that she became one (Afterward Quotes)
Afterward Larry felt as if he had been through a long pillow fight in which all the pillows had been treated with a low grade poison gas (Afterward Quotes)
I studied Japanese language and culture in college and graduate school, and afterward went to work in Tokyo, where I met a young man whose father was a famous businessman and whose mother was a geisha (Afterward Quotes)
I see 30 to 40 gallery shows a week, and no matter what kind of mood I'm in, no matter how bad the art is, I almost always feel better afterward. I can learn as much from bad art as from good (Afterward Quotes)
Some men want whores on the eve of battle, and some want gods. Jon wondered who felt better afterward (Afterward Quotes)
He was the only person caught in the collapse, and afterward, most of his work was recovered too, and it is still spoken of, when it is noted, with high regard, though seldom played (Afterward Quotes)
That's what I look at some people for. I like to know about them. I think them over afterward (Afterward Quotes)
I dance a lot and I run and do yoga and play field hockey and tennis. I like to be active. I don't always have time for that stuff, but I do always feel better afterward (Afterward Quotes)
Here’s a thing about the death of your mother, or anyone else you love: You can’t anticipate how you’ll feel afterward. People will tell you; a few may be close to right, none exactly right (Afterward Quotes)
It was a very cool thing to be a smart girl, as opposed to some other, different kind. And I think that made a great deal of difference to me growing up and in my life afterward (Afterward Quotes)
It was just expected that I would go to college. Both my parents are teachers and they tolerated acting, but I was going to go to a school of quality or bust. Which made my downshifting back to acting afterward a little difficult (Afterward Quotes)