Against Quotes

Text Quotes
I define anarchist society as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual (Against Quotes)
It is looked upon as insolence for a man to adhere to his own opinion against the current stream of antiquity (Against Quotes)
I tell them that if they will occupy themselves with the study of mathematics they will find in it the best remedy against the lusts of the flesh (Against Quotes)
It is hard to fight against impulsive desire; whatever it wants it will buy at the cost of the soul (Against Quotes)
I enjoy making people laugh. The trick is to tell them jokes against yourself. If you praise yourself, your stories aren't funny (Against Quotes)
The man who is right is a majority. We, who have God and conscience on our side, have a majority against the universe (Against Quotes)
And if there were a devil it would not be one who decided against God, but one who, in eternity, came to no decision (Against Quotes)
If ever I am a mother I will zealously strive against this crime of over indulgence. I can hardly give it a milder name when I think of the evils it brings (Against Quotes)
There is no wilderness like a life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and minimizes misfortunes; it is a unique remedy against adversity, and it soothes the soul (Against Quotes)
Revolt against a tyrant is legitimate; it can succeed. Revolt against human nature is doomed to failure (Against Quotes)
How did the rose ever open it's heart and give to this world all of it's beauty? It felt the encouragement of light against it's being; otherwise we all remain too frightened (Against Quotes)
I'm interested in Linux because of the technology, and Linux wasn't started as any kind of rebellion against the 'evil Microsoft empire.' (Against Quotes)
By staying neutral, I end up being somebody that everybody can trust. Even if they don't always agree with my decisions, they know I'm not working against them (Against Quotes)
To this day, I'm against the draft. I believe the military is much stronger if it's an all volunteer organization (Against Quotes)
I wanna be a shower in the morning that wakes you up and makes you clean I know I'm just the weather against your window as you sleep through a winter's dream (Against Quotes)
Are you looking for the Holy One? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours (Against Quotes)
Anything God does, the enemy tries to counterfeit. We have to be on guard against the enemy! (Against Quotes)
Let's pursue a walk with God so close that the spotlights of this world - be they for us or against us - are eclipsed by His enormous shadow cast on our path (Against Quotes)
How often are the perpetrators of hate-crimes discovered to be self-loathing? Valued individuals do not strike out against strangers (Against Quotes)
Ignore what a man desires and you ignore the very source of his power; run against the grain of a nation's genius and see where you get with your laws (Against Quotes)
Defeat anger, stop using it as a shield against truth, and you will find the compassion you need to forgive the people you love (Against Quotes)
He that speaketh against his own reason speaks against his own conscience, and therefore it is certain that no man serves God with a good conscience who serves him against his reason (Against Quotes)
He whose life seems fair, if all his errors and follies were articled against him, would seem vicious and miserable (Against Quotes)
No sin is small. It is a sin against an infinite God, and may have consequences immeasurable. No grain of sand is small in the mechanism of a watch (Against Quotes)
I am 100 percent in favor of the intelligent use of drugs, and 1,000 percent against the thoughtless use of them, whether caffeine or LSD. And drugs are not central to my life (Against Quotes)
Secrecy is the original sin. The fig leaf in the Garden of Eden. The basic crime against love (Against Quotes)
Lust is a captivity of the reason and an enraging of the passions. It hinders business and distracts counsel. It sins against the body and weakens the soul (Against Quotes)
Those who voluntarily put power into the hands of a tyrant... must not wonder if it be at last turned against themselves (Against Quotes)
Death is the ultimate enemy - and I find nothing reproachable in those who rage mightily against the dying of the light (Against Quotes)
Skepticism is the agent of reason against organized irrationalism-and is therefore one of the keys to human social and civic decency (Against Quotes)