Against Quotes

Text Quotes
America shudders at anything alien, and when it wants to shut its mind against any man’s ideas it calls him a foreigner (Against Quotes)
It is natural to man to indulge in the illusion of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, till she transforms us into beasts (Against Quotes)
Above all, the ability to feel the force of an argument apart from the substance it deals with is the strongest weapon against prejudice (Against Quotes)
Any man who is really a man must learn to be alone in the midst of others, to think alone for others, and, if necessary, against others (Against Quotes)
Not only do most people accept violence if it is perpetuated by legitimate authority, they also regard violence against certain kinds of people as inherently legitimate, no matter who commits it (Against Quotes)
I have ever thought so superstitiously of wit, that I fear I have committed idolatry against wisdom (Against Quotes)
Adolescence can be a time of turmoil and turbulence, of stress and storm. Rebellion against authority and against convention is to be expected and tolerated for the sake of learning and growth (Against Quotes)
Guard against the prestige of great names; see that your judgments are your own; and do not shrink from disagreement; no trusting without testing (Against Quotes)
The new growth in the plant swelling against the sheath, which at the same time imprisons and protects it, must still be the truest type of progress (Against Quotes)
The writer has a grudge against society, which he documents with accounts of unsatisfying sex, unrealized ambition, unmitigated loneliness, and a sense of local and global distress. The square, overpopulation, the bourgeois, the bomb and the cocktail party are variously identified as sources of the grudge. There follows a little obscenity here, a dash of philosophy there, considerable whining overall, and a modern satirical novel is born (Against Quotes)
Understanding, and action proceeding from understanding and guided by it, is one weapon against the world’s bombardment, the one medicine, the one instrument by which liberty, health, and joy may be shaped... in the individual, and in the race (Against Quotes)
If we have the courage and tenacity of our forebears, who stood firmly like a rock against the lash of slavery, we shall find a way to do for our day what they did for theirs (Against Quotes)
Everyone alters and is altered by everyone else. We are all the time taking in portions of one another or else reacting against them, and by these involuntary acquisitions and repulsions modifying our natures (Against Quotes)
Competition is what keeps me playing the psychological warfare of matching skill against skill and wit against wit (Against Quotes)
It becomes almost second nature to be on guard against the creative pattern of our own thought (Against Quotes)
As I am a poet I express what I believe, and I fight against whatever I oppose, in poetry (Against Quotes)
Art and ideology often interact on each other; but the plain fact is that both spring from a common source. Both draw on human experience to explain mankind to itself; both attempt, in very different ways, to assemble coherence from seemingly unrelated phenomena; both stand guard for us against chaos (Against Quotes)
We compete, not so much against an opponent, but against ourselves. The real test is this: Did I make my best effort on every play? (Against Quotes)
Writers must fortify themselves with pride and egotism as best they can. The process is analogous to using sandbags and loose timbers to protect a house against flood. Writers are vulnerable creatures like anyone else. For what do they have in reality? Not sandbags, not timbers. Just a flimsy reputation and a name (Against Quotes)
It is against stupidity in every shape and form that we have to wage our eternal battle. But how can we wonder at the want of sense on the part of those who have had no advantages, when we see such plentiful absence of that commodity on the part of those who have had all the advantages? (Against Quotes)
I am not so weak as to submit to the demands of the age when they go against my convictions. I spin a cocoon around myself; let others do the same. I shall leave it to time to show what will come of it: a brilliant butterfly or maggot (Against Quotes)
People have been known to achieve more as a result of working with others than against them (Against Quotes)
The real contest is always between what you’ve done and what you’re capable of doing. You measure yourself against yourself and nobody else (Against Quotes)
If you tell the truth, you have infinite power supporting you; but if not, you have infinite power against you (Against Quotes)
Poverty in itself does not make men into a rabble; a rabble is created only when there is joined to poverty a disposition of mind, an inner indignation against the rich, against society, against the government (Against Quotes)
In a society of little economic development, universal inactivity accompanies universal poverty. You survive not by struggling against nature, or by increasing production, or by relentless labor; instead you survive by expending as little energy as possible, by striving constantly to achieve a state of immobility (Against Quotes)
It is an old psychological axiom that constant exposure to the object of fear immunizes against the fear (Against Quotes)
That food has always been, and will continue to be, the basis for one of our greater snobbism does not explain the fact that the attitude toward the food choice of others is becoming more and more heatedly exclusive until it may well turn into one of those forms of bigotry against which gallant little committees are constantly planning campaigns in the cause of justice and decency (Against Quotes)
In spite of my great admiration for individual splendid talents I do not accept the star system. Collective creative effort is the root of our kind of art. That requires ensemble acting and whoever mars that ensemble is committing a crime not only against his comrades but also against the very art of which he is the servant (Against Quotes)
Our greatest prejudice is against death. It spans age, gender and race. We spend immeasurable amounts of energy fighting an event that will eventually triumph. Though it is noble not to give in easily, the most alive people I’ve ever met are those who embrace their death. They love, laugh and live more fully (Against Quotes)