Age Quotes

Text Quotes
Old age is far more than white hair, wrinkles, the feeling that it is too late and the game finished, that the stage belongs to the rising generations. The true evil is not the weakening of the body, but the indifference of the soul (Age Quotes)
This is the patent age of new inventions for killing bodies, and for saving souls. All propagated with the best intentions (Age Quotes)
What is the worst of woes that wait on age? What stamps the wrinkle deeper on the brow? To view each loved one blotted from life's page, and be alone on Earth, as I am now (Age Quotes)
If repression has indeed been the fundamental link between power, knowledge, and sexuality since the classical age, it stands to reason that we will not be able to free ourselves from it except at a considerable cost (Age Quotes)
It is with an old love as it is with old age a man lives to all the miseries, but is dead to all the pleasures (Age Quotes)
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age (Age Quotes)
Everyone knows that by far the happiest and universally enjoyable age of man is the first. What is there about babies which makes us hug and kiss and fondle them, so that even an enemy would give them help at that age? (Age Quotes)
The nearer people approach old age the closer they return to a semblance of childhood, until the time comes for them to depart this life, again like children, neither tired of living nor aware of death (Age Quotes)
We make ourselves fools to disport ourselves and spend our flatteries to drink those men upon whose age we void it up again with poisonous spite and envy (Age Quotes)
Being a virgin in this day and age is something to be proud of. You're like a unicorn (Age Quotes)
Admiration of the proletariat, like that of dams, power stations, and aeroplanes, is part of the ideology of the machine age (Age Quotes)
It is possible that mankind is on the threshold of a golden age; but, if so, it will be necessary first to slay the dragon that guards the door, and this dragon is religion (Age Quotes)
To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it (Age Quotes)
A very riband in the cap of youth, yet needful too, for youth no less becomes the light and careless livery that it wears than settled age his sables and his weeds, importing health and graveness (Age Quotes)
The man was noble, but with his last attempt he wiped it out, destroyed his country; and his name remains to the ensuing age abhorred (Age Quotes)
Tis our fast intent to shake all cares and business from our age, conferring them on younger strengths, while we unburden'd crawl toward death (Age Quotes)
Old age is not a matter for sorrow. It is matter for thanks if we have left our work done behind us (Age Quotes)
For age is opportunity no less than youth itself, though in another dress, and as the evening twilight fades away the sky is filled with stars, invisible by day (Age Quotes)
A good old man, sir; he will be talking. As they say, when the age is in, the wit is out. God help us! It is a world to see! (Age Quotes)
Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful (Age Quotes)
In this age, which believes that there is a short cut to everything, the greatest lesson to be learned is that the most difficult way is, in the long run, the easiest (Age Quotes)
I feel we live in the kind of culture now where you have to be very smart to navigate the right way, and I just don't have those smarts. I think with age and time it will change, but I can't obsess about it (Age Quotes)
Believe me, that was a happy age, before the days of architects, before the days of builders (Age Quotes)
From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery (Age Quotes)
Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read (Age Quotes)
He did look far into the service of the time, and was discipled of the bravest. He lasted long, but on us both did haggish age steal on, and wore us out of act (Age Quotes)
There's no way to approach anything in an objective way. We're completely subjective; our view of the world is completely controlled by who we are as human beings, as men or women, by our age, our history, our profession, by the state of the world (Age Quotes)
We are living in the machine age. For the first time in history the comedian has been compelled to supply himself with jokes and comedy material to compete with the machine. Whether he knows it or not, the comedian is on a treadmill to oblivion (Age Quotes)
Old age is always wakeful; as if, the longer linked with life, the less man has to do with aught that looks like death (Age Quotes)
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves (Age Quotes)