Agenda Quotes

Text Quotes
The political currents that topped the global agenda in the late 20th century - revolutionary nationalism, feminism and ethnic struggle - place culture at their heart. (Agenda Quotes)
Nevertheless, I have no political agenda whatsoever, even though some might think the contrary (Agenda Quotes)
Enter any moment devoid of agenda, with an absence of posturing, and with your only intention being to send love to everyone you meet or even think of... Happiness, miracles and inner peace will follow. (Agenda Quotes)
As President Franklin Delano Roosevelt learned when he tried to pack the Supreme Court, the three branches of government are coequal for a reason. Neither the executive branch or the legislative branch should use the third branch to a pursue a partisan agenda. (Agenda Quotes)
I’m always on the market for a new friend, period. As your success continues to grow, you start to see who your real friends are. But I’m always looking for wonderful people to have in my life that have no agenda and aren’t fake friends. (Agenda Quotes)
As the largest contributor to the United Nations and funder of international family planning, the U.S. is in a unique position to continue to lead the global agenda and place reproductive health at its core. (Agenda Quotes)
At home we didn’t talk about religion. So gradually the question faded away by itself and disappeared from the agenda. When I was nineteen my father died; my response to his death was atheistic. (Agenda Quotes)
I believe in the power of media. I really do. It’s my soapbox. And I do have an agenda, because I’m enraged by the limitations forced on people - by poverty, oppression, hatred, fear - and I’m saddened by the kind of loss we all experienced due to the contributions that people cannot make because of their circumstances. (Agenda Quotes)
I think it depends on what agenda that female president brings. It’s not good if that female president brings an agenda which is actually hostile to the cause of living wages. Women need equal wages to men, but not equal wages at poverty. (Agenda Quotes)
Ethics must be reintroduced to public service to restore people’s faith in government. Without such faith, democracy cannot flourish. Your ambitious agenda is filling a desperate need. (Agenda Quotes)
I love the energy of an independent film set. No one is there for the money. Everyone is there ‘cause they really want to be there. It makes all the difference in the world. It’s without ego and agenda, other than just wanting to fulfill a creative dream. (Agenda Quotes)
The fierce battles between New Democrat centrists and old-style liberals that defined the Democratic Party in the 1990s are long gone, with the party unified behind Barack Obama’s economic agenda of universal health care, expensive federal programs and more regulation of the financial markets. (Agenda Quotes)
I’ve done it with Broadcast News-where there was no finish line, there was no agenda that I had to move all the characters to this point, that I was sort of open to what happens. (Agenda Quotes)
Using official government resources to help bankroll an explicit political agenda - whether on the right or left - is flat out wrong. (Agenda Quotes)
President Obama has made a minimum wage increase a focal point of his economic agenda (Agenda Quotes)
The productiveness of any meeting depends on the level of thought given to the agenda in advance, and you should never leave a meeting without writing a follow-up list with each item assigned to one person. And go outside. All the big ideas are on the outside. You’ll never have a creative idea at your desk. (Agenda Quotes)
If someone busted into your house and robbed you, would you then forgive them if you found out they were a veteran? Of course not. So why are we forgiving McCain for selling out his country by supporting the Bush agenda? (Agenda Quotes)
Women’s rights are an essential part of the overall human rights agenda, trained on the equal dignity and ability to live in freedom all people should enjoy. (Agenda Quotes)
In general, science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature, Cell, The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda. (Agenda Quotes)
They have to convert our agenda into something aggressive. Two guys wanting to be happy together are invading their marriages. Helping a kid who’s getting beaten up in school is promoting homosexuality. If you gave me a million dollars, I wouldn’t know how to promote homosexuality. (Agenda Quotes)
For a man who has compared himself to Theodore Roosevelt and the nation’s challenges to those of the Gilded Age, Obama put forward a tepid agenda. (Agenda Quotes)
I really like playing the bad guy. There are so many more objectives to play when you’re mad or villainesque, or when there’s some agenda that you have. That’s drama, that’s where the heart lives. I love playing the bad guy, but especially the bad guy who’s still with the girl. (Agenda Quotes)
I really believe in a globalist agenda, but globalization isn’t just allowing companies to trade freely all over the world. It’s about what types of rights and responsibilities come with that. (Agenda Quotes)
The media have such a strong hand in deciding what people’s perceptions are. They decide what the agenda is going to be, what the issues are. (Agenda Quotes)
Any political agenda and organization which doesn’t begin with personal responsibility is just half the argument. It’s just not going to succeed. (Agenda Quotes)
Some people feel good about helping others, and they do so often. They do not realize that their good deeds have a second agenda. They want to be appreciated. (Agenda Quotes)
What the Lib Dems have failed to do is offer any meaningful agenda for government or for power (Agenda Quotes)
He wasn’t, but producers are by definition annoying because they have a different agenda from you. They’re trying to stop you spending money and you’re trying to not spend money, but at the same time we’re great artists. (Agenda Quotes)
Jonathan Kreisberg is a great musician whose playing and writing always tell a story. His formidable technique and intellect never get in the way, but only serve the agenda of the heart. (Agenda Quotes)
Everyone has his own agenda, and it can overshadow the important thing, which is to capture a great performance. They listen to it and think, Oh, I’m not mixed loud enough...I missed a note there...I’m a half-step off on the turnaround. (Agenda Quotes)