Agent Quotes

Text Quotes
Let’s face it: we live at a time when government is less and less powerful, less and less effective, and the agent of social change, at least for the immediate future, is the corporation. (Agent Quotes)
Changes in our aesthetic tastes have no value or meaning in and of themselves; what has value and meaning is the idea of change itself. Or, better stated: not change in and of itself, but change as an agent or inspiration of modern creations. (Agent Quotes)
My first agent told me to change my name or I’d only play Jewish parts or Indians. Of course I refused to change it. Shortly thereafter she came up to me and told me I had to keep it, because her numerologist said it was very, very good. (Agent Quotes)
I think people in America have had enough, and Donald Trump’s the change agent (Agent Quotes)
Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change (Agent Quotes)
I was advised by an American agent when I was about 19 to change my surname (Agent Quotes)
I’m a change agent. And what we’re beginning to see is a lot of the establish people, one more time, trying to stop me. (Agent Quotes)
The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam [to a carriage on wheels] will make a great change in the situation of man. (Agent Quotes)
Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life’s change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. (Agent Quotes)
To be a librarian is not to be neutral, or passive, or waiting for a question. It is to be a radical positive change agent within your community. (Agent Quotes)
We pretended there was no problem with Agent Orange after Vietnam and later the Pentagon recanted, after untold suffering by veterans. (Agent Quotes)
I was in Vietnam, and I was exposed to Agent Orange. And there’s a high relationship between people that were exposed to Agent Orange and the kind of lymphoma that I had. The prostate cancer was genetic in my family. My father had prostate cancer, my - three of my four uncles had prostate cancer. (Agent Quotes)
I came out to California to live with my mom in Orange County for a while, and then I came up to Hollywood. I had just turned nineteen. I took an acting class at Playhouse West and decided, ‘Wow, I think I can do this!’ I studied really hard for three years before I got an agent. (Agent Quotes)
The whole concept of the travel agent is absurd. They appear to be agents of the traveller but are actually agents of the airlines. (Agent Quotes)
If Edgar Allan Poe were alive today, his agent would be constantly slapping him upside the head with tightly rolled copies of his brilliant short stories and novelettes, yelling, ‘Full-length novels, you moron! Pay attention! What’s the matter with you -- are you shooting heroin or something? Write for the market! No more of this midlength ‘Fall of the House of Usher’ crap (Agent Quotes)
It’s very nice having my mum as my agent. You know that she’s always doing what’s best for you. (Agent Quotes)
I feel like I have an amazing support team, between my husband and my nanny and my parents, who are very involved with my kids. I also have an incredible creative team with my manager, agent and publicist. (Agent Quotes)
With every cell of my being and with every fiber of my memory I oppose the death penalty in all forms. I do not believe any civilized society should be at the service of death. I don’t think it’s human to become an agent of the angel of death. (Agent Quotes)
I was surprised that my wife thought it was a good idea, then again with my agent, another woman, then my editor, another woman - in spite of the fact that all three of them reacted positively I still have this fear. (Agent Quotes)
I was an Army intelligence agent and a veteran during the Cold War, assigned to West Germany. I was the chairman of the National Commission on Homeland Security and Terrorism for the United States for five years. I was a person who has dealt extensively with these homeland security issues. I was a governor during the 9/11 attack. (Agent Quotes)
To be the agent whose touch changes nature from a wild force to a work of art is inspiration of the highest order. (Agent Quotes)
I have always been good at auditioning, but maybe because I had a good trick at the beginning. I would pretend that my agent gave me the wrong scene or lines. They would take pity on me and hand me the right scene. I would act like I had never seen this before - and then do pretty well considering I had already rehearsed it. (Agent Quotes)
I had a novel in the back of my mind when I won an Ian St James story competition in 1993. At the award ceremony an agent asked me if I was writing a novel. I showed her four or five chapters of what would become ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum’ and to my surprise she auctioned them off. (Agent Quotes)
I wrote a novel, Ghost Road Rules, and as soon as it was done and polished, I began reaching out to agents. I ignored the frequent advice to ‘shoot low and try for a low-level agent because they’re the only ones that will take a flyer on a new author.’ That sounded like bad advice to me. (Agent Quotes)
Every publisher or agent I’ve ever met told me the same thing - that Irish readers don’t want to read about the bad old days of the Troubles; neither do the English and Americans - they only want to read about the Ireland of The Quiet Man, when red-haired widows are riding bicycles and everyone else is on a horse. (Agent Quotes)
I’m a bad dater - I’m just not good at it. It’s so weird dating in this town. It’s like high school. I get a lot of people who have their publicist call my agent to ask, ‘Is she dating anyone?’ (Agent Quotes)
While not a musician, my father was a music agent for years before becoming pop culture icon Famous Amos. (Agent Quotes)
In so many ways, being a literary agent is an irresistible job to me. Not only does it involve all the things I love - being an advocate for others, problem solving, and going to meetings - yes, that’s true, I love meetings, though everyone says it’s bizarre! - but most importantly, I love working with people whose writing excites me. (Agent Quotes)
You can’t be an FBI agent without being cautious and thinking things through. That’s just part of the training. (Agent Quotes)
I think, being an actress, you know that you’re getting old. I’m 44. I mean, an agent said when I turned 40, It won’t get better. (Agent Quotes)