Agreement Quotes

Text Quotes
The production of wealth is the result of agreement between labor and capital, between employer and employed. Its distribution, therefore, will follow the law of its creation, or great injustice will be done (Agreement Quotes)
Free nations with different histories, economies and a vast amount of stubborn pride will never achieve complete agreement, even when they desire the same objectives (Agreement Quotes)
In fact, there was general agreement that minds can exist on nonbiological substrates and that algorithms are of central importance to the existence of minds (Agreement Quotes)
Some people mistake weakness for tact. If they are silent when they ought to speak and so feign an agreement they do not feel, they call it being tactful. Cowardice would be a much better name. Tact is an active quality t hat is not exercised by merely making a dash for cover. Be sure, when you think you are being extremely tactful, that you are not in reality running away from something you ought to face (Agreement Quotes)
I think history would say that medical research has, throughout many changes of parties, remained as one of the shining lights of bipartisan agreement, that people are concerned about health for themselves, for their families, for their constituents (Agreement Quotes)
... The person who, at any stage of a conversation, disagrees, should at least hope to reach agreement in the end. He should be as much prepared to have his own mind changed as seek to change the mind of another... No one who looks upon disagreement as an occasion for teaching another should forget that it is also an occasion for being taught (Agreement Quotes)
Hardly anyone still reads nowadays. People make use of the writer only in order to work off their own excess energy on him in a perverse manner, in the form of agreement or disagreement (Agreement Quotes)
Culture is the tacit agreement to let the means of subsistence disappear behind the purpose of existence. Civilization is the subordination of the latter to the former (Agreement Quotes)
The peace process we all aim for will not necessarily be a result of the mere signing of a treaty or agreement. It must become a matter of our everyday lives, so that peace settles and lasts and becomes supported by everybody. We therefore have to give peace all the required care and preserve it and promote it (Agreement Quotes)
Peace is neither the absence of war nor the presence of a disarmament agreement. Peace is a change of heart (Agreement Quotes)
My country is a country of teachers. It is therefore a country of peace. We discuss our successes and failures in complete freedom. Because our country is a country of teachers, we closed the army camps, and our children go about with books under their arms, not with rifles on their shoulders. We believe in dialogue, in agreement, in reaching a consensus (Agreement Quotes)
We’ve come to a basic agreement, which is that first, people will be legalized. In other words, not citizens, but they’ll be allowed to work, come out of the shadows, travel. Then, we will make sure the border is secure. And we have specific metrics that are in the bill. I’m not going to get into what they are (Agreement Quotes)
An agreement is never reached in love. The life of a wife and husband who love each other is never at rest. Whether the marriage is true or false, the marriage portion is the same: elemental discord (Agreement Quotes)
It is more important to have beauty in one’s equations than to have them fit experiment... It seems that if one is working from the point of view of getting beauty in one’s equations, and if one has really a sound insight, one is on a sure line of progress. If there is not complete agreement between the results of one’s work and experiment, one should not allow oneself to be too discouraged, because the discrepancy may well be due to minor features that are not properly taken into account and that will get cleared up with further developments of the theory (Agreement Quotes)
There is no evidence for a God, no coherent definition of a God, no good argument for a God, good positive arguments against a God, no agreement among believers about the nature or moral principles of a God, and no need for a God. We can live happy, moral, productive lives without such belief, and we can do it better (Agreement Quotes)
You sign an agreement; you make a contract, you live up to it. You never get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate. You got a right to say yay or nay (Agreement Quotes)
My people and I have come to an agreement which satisfies us both. They are to do what they please, and I am to do what I please (Agreement Quotes)
Tolerance is our safest refuge and our fortress against the handicaps that arise from schism, factions, and the difficulties inherent in reaching mutual agreement (Agreement Quotes)
To choose to live with a dog is to agree to participate in a long process of interpretation, a mutual agreement though the human being holds most of the cards (Agreement Quotes)
What I question is the extent to which any of us truly knows what the facts really are. I mistrust every ideal cherished in western democratic civilization. The words that make others smile and nod in agreement cause me to recoil (Agreement Quotes)
I sleep well. It’s the politicians who are to blame for failing to come to an agreement and resorting to violence (Agreement Quotes)
We are limited by our agreements on possibility. Agreement is a common exclusion of alternate possibilities. Agreement is the cement of social structure. Two or three gathered together, agreeing on what they are after, may create a subset in which their goals can be achieved, even though folly in the eyes of the world. The world in this case means a set of expectancies agreed upon, a set excluding other possibilities (Agreement Quotes)
An honourable agreement among men as to their conduct toward women, and it was devised by women (Agreement Quotes)
Certainly the soda companies, the junk food companies fought hard against this and today’s agreement doesn’t mean the battle is over, we still have to pass this bill (Agreement Quotes)
If you’re concerned about scalability, any algorithm that forces you to run agreement will eventually become your bottleneck. Take that as a given (Agreement Quotes)
With a written agreement you have a prayer; with a verbal agreement you have nothing but air (Agreement Quotes)
When the lights go down, that’s 30,000 peoples lives colliding. Everyone there working is working for that moment, everyone watching is watching for that moment. It’s when you’re all in agreement about what you’re all doing so it’s a wonderful feeling of togetherness and possibility (Agreement Quotes)
Consensus isn’t just about agreement. It’s about changing things around: You get a proposal, you work something out, people foresee problems, you do creative synthesis. At the end of it, you come up with something that everyone thinks is okay. Most people like it, and nobody hates it (Agreement Quotes)
It is not important for me as a writer that you leave a piece of writing of mine with either an agreement or even a resonance with what I have said. What is important is that you leave with the resonance of what you have felt and what you thought in reaction to that (Agreement Quotes)
You can judge a civilization by its level of agreement with the green world. When people respect nature, it’s a sign of a healthy situation. When they denigrate nature, it’s a sign of an unhealthy civilization that will soon perish (Agreement Quotes)