Agriculture Quotes

Text Quotes
The transition of world agriculture from food grain to feed grains represents an... evil whose consequences may be far greater and longer lasting than any past examples of violence inflicted by men against thier fellow human beings (Agriculture Quotes)
The adoption of agriculture, supposedly our most decisive step toward a better life, was in many ways a catastrophe from which we have never recovered (Agriculture Quotes)
There is no time in modern agriculture for a farmer to write a poem or compose a song (Agriculture Quotes)
Land degradation did not start with chemical agriculture. But chemical agriculture offered new tools for annihilation (Agriculture Quotes)
To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I’m interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one (Agriculture Quotes)
Because we are interested in promoting wellness, we will integrate medicine with performing arts, arts and crafts, agriculture, recreation, nature, and social service (Agriculture Quotes)
One of the trends we’re seeing in food and agriculture is more and more consumers wanting to know things about their food and where and how it’s grown and what’s in it (Agriculture Quotes)
We have to bring children into a new relationship to food that connects them to culture and agriculture (Agriculture Quotes)
An organic farmer is the best peacemaker today, because there is more violence, more death, more destruction, more wars, through a violent industrial agricultural system. And to shift away from that into an agriculture of peace is what organic farming is doing (Agriculture Quotes)
Our point of view is, lets not be so elitist that we can’t honor good, hard, dignified, ennobling work: people working with their hands, building things, putting up solar panels, weatherizing homes, working on organic agriculture, building wind farms. We don’t have robots in society, so somebody has to do that work. Lets make sure that the people who can use that work get a chance to do it. I see that as a first step toward bigger and better things (Agriculture Quotes)
Soil erosion is as old as agriculture. It began when the first heavy rain struck the first furrow turned by a crude implement of tillage in the hands or prehistoric man. It has been going on ever since, wherever man’s culture of the earth has bared the soil to rain and wind (Agriculture Quotes)
More than a mere alternative strategy, regenerative agriculture represents a fundamental shift in our culture’s relationship to nature (Agriculture Quotes)
Modern agriculture has been accurately described as a way of turning oil into food. As the price of oil continues to rise, so will the price of food (Agriculture Quotes)
Great food, like all art, enhances and reflects a community’s vitality, growth and solidarity. Yet history bears witness that great cuisines spring only from healthy local agriculture (Agriculture Quotes)
Agriculture is for living; mind culture is for life. Skills are for shaping material things so that they cater more for the comfort of man; studies are for shaping attitudes, feelings, desires, emotions and impulses of man, so that they may confer more peace, more joy and more fortitude on man (Agriculture Quotes)
Wait a minute! I’m not interested in agriculture. I want the military stuff. During a briefing military stuff in which officials began telling him about missile silos (Agriculture Quotes)
I cite a good example, say, of agriculture,.. In agriculture we need to move with speed to bring to full utilization the land that is now in our possession. We need to curb aspects of corruption that are endemic in the economy. We need to be transparent in everything that we do. We need to be consistent in implementing the policies we would have agreed. And not implement policies one day and reverse them the other day (Agriculture Quotes)
Because our agriculture is so spread out, that makes it vulnerable. Our food gets transported a number of times and very widely (Agriculture Quotes)
There’s an unexpectedly high share of workers still in agriculture,.. That’s like a fault line (Agriculture Quotes)
Food security is an authentically human requirement. Guaranteeing it for present and future generations also means safeguarding ourselves against the uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources. Indeed, the process of consumption and waste seems to overlook any concern for... biodiversity, which is so important for agriculture (Agriculture Quotes)
The damages of our present agriculture all come from the determination to use the life of the soil as if it were an extractable resource like coal (Agriculture Quotes)
Agriculture is the greatest and fundamentally the most important of our industries. The cities are but the branches of the tree of national life, the roots of which go deeply into the land. We all flourish or decline with the farmer (Agriculture Quotes)
Once you get the government involved in agriculture you’ll have nothing but problems and expenses (Agriculture Quotes)
It is a maxim universally agreed upon in agriculture, that nothing must be done too late; and again, that everything must be done at its proper season; while there is a third precept which reminds us that opportunities lost can never be regained (Agriculture Quotes)
In addition to achieving outside the industry, agriculture, national defense science and technology modernization, we are faced with the important task of system modernization (Agriculture Quotes)
Ah! If nations could only agree to employ their resources to perfect agriculture and improve transportation, and to bring all their girl children a good education, what an explosion of happiness there would be on earth! (Agriculture Quotes)
Agriculture is the soul and chief support of empires; industry produces riches and the happiness of the people; exportation represents the superabundance, and good use of both (Agriculture Quotes)
People forget that eating represents their most profound engagement with the natural world. Through agriculture is how we change the world, more than anything else we do (Agriculture Quotes)
Agriculture has become essential to life; the forest, the lake, and the ocean cannot sustain the increasing family of man; population declines with a declining cultivation, and nations have ceased to be with the extinction of their agriculture (Agriculture Quotes)
I feel it is an obligation to help people understand the relation of food to agriculture and the relationship of food to culture (Agriculture Quotes)