Ah God! She settles down we say; It means her powers slip away It means she draws back day by day from good or bad

Ah God! She settles down we say; It means her powers slip away It means she draws back day by day from good or bad
Djuna Barnes was a writer known for her complex and often enigmatic works that delved into the depths of human emotion and experience. Her writing often explored themes of love, desire, and the complexities of relationships, all while pushing the boundaries of traditional narrative structure and form. In the quote “Ah God! She settles down we say; It means her powers slip away It means she draws back day by day from good or bad,” Barnes captures the essence of a woman who is perceived to be losing her vitality and agency as she conforms to societal expectations and norms.Barnes was a keen observer of human behavior and the ways in which society often imposes limitations on individuals, particularly women. In this quote, she reflects on the idea that when a woman “settles down,” she is seen as relinquishing her power and autonomy. The notion that a woman’s powers slip away as she conforms to societal expectations speaks to the constraints placed on women to adhere to traditional gender roles and expectations. Barnes challenges this idea by suggesting that settling down does not necessarily equate to a loss of power, but rather a shifting of priorities and focus.
The phrase “she draws back day by day from good or bad” further emphasizes the idea of a woman retreating from her true self as she conforms to societal norms. Barnes suggests that as a woman conforms to societal expectations, she may lose touch with her own desires and instincts, leading to a sense of detachment from both the good and the bad aspects of life. This idea of withdrawal and retreat is a recurring theme in Barnes’ work, as she often explored the ways in which individuals navigate the complexities of their own desires and the expectations placed upon them by society.
Overall, Barnes’ quote encapsulates the struggle of women to maintain their sense of self and agency in a world that often seeks to diminish their power and autonomy. Through her writing, Barnes challenges societal norms and expectations, urging readers to question the ways in which individuals are constrained by societal pressures and to embrace their own unique identities and desires.