Ah Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m just ah, actually developing a tv show for HBO, and I’m directing a film this summer, and actually I’m doing some live shows out in western Canada. (Ah Quotes)
A woman who doesn’t care what men think of her - ah, this is dangerous. This is the worst conceivable insult to the male ego. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, how lucky are the lieutenants, the six-foot Junkers, and all the rest of the Don Juan clan!... The bookworm, be he ever so decent and clever, is really only pleasing to himself and a small handful of others. The world passes him by and beckons to life and beauty ... to gay and handsome creatures to whom the hearts of their fellow men continue to turn. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, political physics. Someone wins an election and, poof, they are a candidate for vice president. Ridiculous. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, paths of the soul, mysterious ways of the heart! One must walk their full lengths before facing the supreme equation of Eternal Life. It is essential for you to live all their conflicts and to know them fully in the long process of spiritual ascension. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, life in medieval times! Yeah, we only have to worry about losing our heads every day. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, yet, e’er I descend to th’ grave, May I a small House and a large Garden have. And a few Friends, and many Books both true, Both wise, and both delightful too. And since Love ne’er will from me flee, A mistress moderately fair, And good as Guardian angels are, Only belov’d and loving me. (Ah Quotes)
My first job was cleaning dog kennels. It was especially, ah, aromatic during those hot, humid Louisiana summers, but it prepared me for Hollywood. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, love, - you are my unutterable blessing.....I am in full sunshine now. (Ah Quotes)
I was gardening when I saw this snail/slug thing disguised as a leaf. Ah, isn’t fall a wonderful time to slowly fall in love? (Ah Quotes)
George Harrison and John Lennon were the ones most against touring ... I’d been trying to say ..Ah, tourings good and it keeps us sharp .. but finally I agreed with them (Ah Quotes)
Ah, I am the judge of dreams, and you are the judge of love. Well, I find you guilty of dreaming good dreams, and sentence you to a lifetime of working and suffering for the sake of your dreams. I only hope that someday you won’t declare me innocent of the crime of loving you. (Ah Quotes)
Mass badly celebrated is an enormous evil. Ah! it is not a matter of indifference how it is said! . . . I have had a great vision on the mystery of Holy Mass and I have seen that whatever good has existed since creation is owing to it. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, man, if I could ever hook up with Tom Waits, I’d be the happiest camper in Yellowstone, alright? That’s the one guy. (Ah Quotes)
You have to believe in happiness, or happiness never comes Ah, that’s the reason a bird can sing - On his darkest day he believes in spring. (Ah Quotes)
The darker and the sadder the song, the happier it makes me feel. It’s just this, ah. I’m in the moment. I’m part of this beautiful world, and it’s fantastic, and I don’t really know how else to describe it. (Ah Quotes)
She’s a wonderful, wonderful person, and we’re looking to a happy and wonderful night - ah, life. (Ah Quotes)
Ah, the mysterious croak. Here today, gone tomorrow. It’s the best reason I can think of to throw open the blinds and risk belief. Right now, this minute, time to move out into the grief and glory. High tide. (Ah Quotes)