Ah Quotes

Text Quotes
Ah! What pleasure it must be to a woman to suffer for the one she loves! (Ah Quotes)
Ah, on what little things does happiness depend! I have read all that the wise men have written, and all the secrets of philosophy are mine, yet for want of a red rose is my life made wretched (Ah Quotes)
Ah yes, the head is full of books. The hard part is to force them down through the bloodstream and out through the fingers (Ah Quotes)
Ah, it’s my longing for whom I might have been that distracts and torments me! (Ah Quotes)
Ah, thou hast made my heart captive in the endless meshes of thy music, my master! (Ah Quotes)
Ah, monsieur, to live in the bosom of the sea! Only there can independence be found! There I recognize no master! There I am free! (Ah Quotes)
Alas, why are my nights all thus lost? Ah, why do I ever miss his sight whose breath touches my sleep? (Ah Quotes)
Ah, love. That’s what the world has lost. There’s no more love, only the illusion of it (Ah Quotes)
Ah yes, the man or the crown. I’m afraid some can’t tell the difference (Ah Quotes)
Ah. So he’s forgotten the most important rule of warfare. Which is... That nothing ever goes to plan (Ah Quotes)
Ah, to be a bird. To fly the skies, sing my song, and best of all occasionally peck someone’s eyes out (Ah Quotes)
Are you a devious, plotting, unreliable madman? Ah, good, then you can be my most trusted advisor (Ah Quotes)
Ah, if only there were two of me, she thought, one who spoke and the other who listened, one who lived and one who watched, how I would love myself! I would envy no one (Ah Quotes)
It is the sweetest spring within the memory of man. So green, so mild, so beautiful! Ah, what a contrast between nature without and my own soul so torn with doubt and terror! (Ah Quotes)
To know what to leave out and what to put in; just where and just how, ah, that is to have been educated in knowledge of simplicity (Ah Quotes)
Ah, if only I had brought a cigar with me! This would have established my identity (Ah Quotes)
Ah, if you could dance all that you’ve just said, then I’d understand (Ah Quotes)
Ah, my dad’s whistle. On holidays when I was a kid, we would all be off in the rock pools along the beach. When it came time to go, we’d hear the whistle and we’d all come running. Like dogs! (Ah Quotes)
I fear that he who walks over these fields a century hence will not know the pleasure of knocking off wild apples. Ah, poor man, there are many pleasures which he will not know! (Ah Quotes)
... the heroism of the average mother. Ah! When I think of that broad fact, I gather hope again for poor humanity; and this dark world looks bright... because, whatever else it is not full of, it is at least full of mothers (Ah Quotes)
Ah! it is well for the unfortunate to be resigned, but for the guilty there is no peace (Ah Quotes)
That is the true definition of sin; when knowing right you do the lower, ah, then you sin. Where there is no knowledge, sin is not present (Ah Quotes)
Ah! realize your youth while you have it. Don’t squander the gold of your days, listening to the tedious, trying to improve the hopeless failure, or giving away your life to the ignorant, the common, and the vulgar. These are the sickly aims, the false ideals, of our age. Live! Live the wonderful life that is in you! Let nothing be lost upon you. Be always searching for new sensations. Be afraid of nothing (Ah Quotes)
Ah, I am the judge of dreams, and you are the judge of love. Well, I find you guilty of dreaming good dreams, and sentence you to a lifetime of working and suffering for the sake of your dreams. I only hope that someday you won’t declare me innocent of the crime of loving you (Ah Quotes)
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space, but when you return, it’s the same old place (Ah Quotes)
Would it be possible that I should not in any degree succeed? I can scarcely think so. Ah delusive hope, how much further wilt thou lead me? (Ah Quotes)
So in those days, they were scooping up any young person who could sing and look decent, ah, at the same time (Ah Quotes)
The joke I wanted to put into one of the promos for this new season, was to have a guy come up to me and say, hey! Tony! I love your show, I’ve watched you every night since you started! and then I’d say, ah! You’re the one! (Ah Quotes)
Ah, I hope to live to 87 and drink from the the goblet of life to the dregs (Ah Quotes)
Ah good, there’s so many over there you feel they breed them just to put in orphanages (Ah Quotes)