Aims Quotes

Text Quotes
Guerrilla marketing aims its message at individuals or, if it must be a group, the smaller the group, the better (Aims Quotes)
It so often happens that, after sacrificing a pawn, a player aims not to obtain the initiative for it, but to regain sacrificed material (Aims Quotes)
Man lives consciously for himself, but is an unconscious instrument in the attainment of the historic, universal, aims of humanity (Aims Quotes)
It is a kind of law of nature. The goal one aims for can rarely be reached by a direct road (Aims Quotes)
An educational activity which aims to reveal meanings and relationships through the use of original objects, by firsthand experience, and by illustrative media, rather than simply to communicate factual information (Aims Quotes)
Yet it ought to be clear that a minimum wage law is, at best, a limited weapon for combatting the evil of low wages, and that the possible good to be achieved by such a law can exceed the possible harm only in proportion as its aims are modest. The more ambitious such a law is, the larger the number of workers it attempts to cover, and the more it attempts to raise their wages, the more likely are its harmful effects to exceed its good effects (Aims Quotes)
Whatever is fine and permanent in human achievement has been realised through individuals courageously facing the circumstances of their being; and a society is civilised to the extent to which it makes this possible. Terrorism, which aims at putting out thespiritual light, is the antithesis of civilisation (Aims Quotes)
Prayer, the basic exercise of the spirit, must be actively practiced in our private lives. The neglected soul of the human being must be made strong enough to assert itself once more. For if the power of prayer is again released and used in the lives of common men and women; if the spirit declares its aims clearly and boldly, there is yet hope that our prayers for a better world will be answered (Aims Quotes)
Schools are not intended to moralize a wicked world, but to impart knowledge and develop intelligence, with only two social aims in mind: prepare to take on one’s share in the world’s work, and perhaps in addition, lend a hand in improving society, after schooling is done (Aims Quotes)
Cities must urge urban planners and architects to reinforce pedestrianism as an integrated city policy to develop lively, safe, sustainable and healthy cities. It is equally urgent to strengthen the social function of city space as a meeting place that contributes toward the aims of social sustainability and an open and democratic society (Aims Quotes)
Psychological man may be going nowhere, but he aims to achieve a certain speed and certainty in going. Like his predecessor, the man of the market economy, he understands morality as that which is conducive to increased activity. The important thing is to keep going (Aims Quotes)
Egotism erects its center in itself; love places it out of itself in the axis of the universal whole. Love aims at unity, egotismat solitude. Love is the citizen ruler of a flourishing republic, egotism is a despot in a devastated creation (Aims Quotes)
To get the medium’s magic to work for one’s aims rather than against them is to attain literacy (Aims Quotes)
The technique of a mass movement aims to infect people with a malady and then offer the movement as a cure (Aims Quotes)
Competition on the market aims at assigning to every individual that function in the social system in which he can render to all his fellow men the most valuable of the services he is able to perform (Aims Quotes)
Beauty and truth may be attributes of good writing, but if the writer deliberately aims at truth, he is likely to find that what he has hit is the didactic (Aims Quotes)
A people who`s primary aims are driving, shopping, and television are subject to terrorism at any time (Aims Quotes)
Life is indeed either a rich possession or a poor, according as it is made subservient to noble aims or ignoble pleasures (Aims Quotes)
What renders man an imaginative and moral being is that in society he gives new aims to his life which could not have existed in solitude : the aims of friendship, religion, science, and art (Aims Quotes)
Only animals have to satisfy instincts! Surely your aims are somewhat higher than theirs! Than monkeys! Pigs! (Aims Quotes)
Philosophy aims at the logical clarification of thoughts. Philosophy is not a body of doctrine but an activity. A philosophical work consists essentially of elucidations (Aims Quotes)
To the lazy man the world appears bereft of all blessings; if poor, he has no friends; if rich, he has no ambition; he aims at nothing, and generally hits his mark (Aims Quotes)
A family needs to work as a team, supporting each other’s individual aims and aspirations (Aims Quotes)
In the bureaucracy, the identity of state interest and particular private aim is established in such a way that the state interest becomes a particular private aim over against other private aims (Aims Quotes)
The ideal that marriage aims at is that of spiritual union through the physical. The human love that it incarnates is intended to serve as a stepping stone to diving or universal love (Aims Quotes)
The space that every man occupies in the world is measured by the faith he expresses in connection with his aims and purposes (Aims Quotes)
He who wins people, prospers; he who loses them, fails. Your present plan should be to seek humans of high aims and farseeing views, and you can establish yourself firmly (Aims Quotes)
In truth, the care and expense of our fathers aims only at furnishing our heads with knowledge; of judgement and virtue, little news (Aims Quotes)
An improper art aims at exciting in the way of comedy the feeling of desire but the feeling which is proper to comic art is the feeling of joy (Aims Quotes)
The policy of dollar diplomacy is one that appeals alike to idealistic humanitarian sentiments, to dictates of sound policy, and strategy, and to legitimate commercial aims (Aims Quotes)