Air And Water Quotes

Text Quotes
To survive, humans need food, water, and air. Yet biodiversity, the Earth’s bodies of water, and the planet’s atmosphere are all under threat. (Air And Water Quotes)
How we grow food has enormous effects on the environment - climate change as well as pollution of air, water, and soil. (Air And Water Quotes)
There are systems called zero discharge emission systems that would prevent any pollution from making it into the water or the air. (Air And Water Quotes)
If we do not own the freshness of the air and the sparkle of the water, how can you buy them? (Air And Water Quotes)
My suit blew up into a parachute. All this water rushed in, there’s air, water in there. I was freaking out. (Air And Water Quotes)
You will find many a creature by earth, air, and water, that is more beautiful than a woman (Air And Water Quotes)
But human borders mean nothing to air, water, windblown soil or seeds or migrating fish, birds or mammals. (Air And Water Quotes)
... where I walked, the frost shaped itself to my will, dancing in the air like music over water. (Air And Water Quotes)
My first introduction to New Orleans was from the air, flying high over the city with a view of the land - and water - below. (Air And Water Quotes)
Revolutionary consciousness is to be found among the most ruthlessly exploited masses: animals, trees, water, air, grasses (Air And Water Quotes)
In an underdeveloped country don’t drink the water. In a developed country don’t breathe the air. (Air And Water Quotes)
The water is clearer than the air, and the air is the air that angels breathe (Air And Water Quotes)
I think every single American believes they have a right to clean air and clean water (Air And Water Quotes)
This land, this water, this air, this planet - this is our legacy to our young (Air And Water Quotes)
What women say to lovers, you’ll agree, One writes on running water or on air (Air And Water Quotes)
What a woman tells her lover in desireshould be written out on air and running water (Air And Water Quotes)
The world is changing: I feel it in the water, I feel it in the earth, and I smell it in the air (Air And Water Quotes)
The ability to breathe the air and drink the water will be what the wars will be about from here on in. And it’s coming with alarming rapidity. (Air And Water Quotes)
Corporations are poisoning our air and water while at the same time lining the pockets of elected officials with political contributions. (Air And Water Quotes)
Most people who use the Internet seem take its nature and characteristics for granted, like we take air and water for granted. (Air And Water Quotes)
Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care. Give it clean water. And feed it fresh air (Air And Water Quotes)
Environmentali sm isn’t a spectator sport. You actually have to stand up and demand that we be vigilant in protecting our air and water (Air And Water Quotes)
Everything was simple, physical, painful, exalting. The world consisted of the four elements - land and water, firepower and distancing air (Air And Water Quotes)
A sound precipitates air, then fire, then water and earth- and that’s how the world becomes (Air And Water Quotes)
When you see a guy flying into the air on fire, that’s not me, obviously. I do all the water tricks, though. (Air And Water Quotes)
Fire wants to burn Water wants to flow Air wants to rise Earth wants to bindChaos wants to devourCal wants to live (Air And Water Quotes)
Endless ocean, blue water, dreamy sky, tranquil beach, love in the air, mind fly high (Air And Water Quotes)
It isn’t pollution that’s harming the environment. It’s the impurities in our air and water that are doing it. (Air And Water Quotes)
Our world isn’t made of earth, air and water or even molecules and atoms; our world is made of language. (Air And Water Quotes)
Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man (Air And Water Quotes)