Air We Breathe Quotes
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Text Quotes
The air has finally gotten to the place that we can breathe it together (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Culture is the air we breathe all around us (Air We Breathe Quotes)
We breathed the air of freedom without knowing the language or any person (Air We Breathe Quotes)
The model of the human habitat dictated by zoning is a formless, soul-less, centerless, demoralizing mess. It bankrupts families and townships. It disables whole classes of decent, normal citizens. It ruins the air we breathe. It corrupts and deadens our spirit. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
We rarely think of the air we breathe, yet it is in us and around us all the time. In similar fashion, the presence of God penetrates us, is all around us, is always embracing us (Air We Breathe Quotes)
We all drink from one water We all breathe from one air We rise from one ocean And we live under one sky (Air We Breathe Quotes)
In the air we breathe, in the water we drink, in the earth we tread on, Life is every where. Nature lives: every pore is bursting with Life ; every death is only a new birth, every grave a cradle (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Music is a lady that I still love because she gives me the air that I breathe. We need all sorts of nourishment. And music satisfies and nourishes the hunger within ourselves for connection and harmony. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
This air we breathe is precious, and the glaciers helped me understand that and stay focused on that. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
We need to be more conversant with it because science is in our lives. It’s in everything. It’s in the food we eat. It’s in the air we breathe. It’s everywhere. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Mozart, Beethoven - how can you not want to share them with everyone and anyone? This stuff is of as great importance as the food we eat and the air we breathe. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Fracking has been used for more than 60 years to successfully drill over a million oil and gas wells in the U.S. Nonetheless, the prevailing mythology on the radical left is that the technology is ‘poisoning our children’ by polluting the water we drink and the air we breathe. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Preach the gospel to all the world! It is [as] free to all mankind as the air we breathe. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
When the truth offends no one it should come from our lips as naturally as the air we breathe (Air We Breathe Quotes)
If we don’t preserve forest habitat for spotted owls, then soon we won’t have trees to refresh the air we breathe. And we’re realizing that this applies to social ecology, as well. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
The Great Culling of the human race already has begun. It is being done through chemicals added to our drinking water, food, medicines, and the air we breathe - chemicals that have the known effect of reducing fertility and shortening lifespan (Air We Breathe Quotes)
People have to realize that the air we breathe and the water we drink come from the ocean and will go back to the ocean one way or another, no matter how far away we may be from it. It’s a perpetual cycle. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
The environment is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth - the air we breathe, the water that covers most of the earth’s surface, the plants and animals around us, the overall condition of our planet, and much more. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Wealthy men can’t live in an island that is encircled by poverty. We all breathe the same air. We must give a chance to everyone, at least a basic chance. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Perjury is the basest and meanest and most cowardly of crimes. What can it do? Perjury can change the common air that we breathe into the axe of an executioner. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
For in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s futures. And we are all mortal. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
I remember, as a boy of 17 years of age, this was a fascinating thing for me: how we human beings breathe out carbon dioxide into the air, the leaves of plants pick this carbon dioxide up, and the plant gives off oxygen, which we can breathe in and keep our life going. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
I, Maggie, personally cannot tell you that you’re going to save the planet. But what I do know is that we can draw a line to an issue that can conserve what we already have and what’s left in a way that we can actually breathe the air, drink the water, actually grow things in soil - that matters in a real, practical way. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
I am convinced that the air we normally breathe is a kind of water, and men and women are a species of fish. (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Our elected officials are able to regulate even the most personal aspects of our lives, from the cleanliness of the air we breathe to the identity of the people we marry. Keeping this in mind, casting a ballot is not just essential - it’s practical! (Air We Breathe Quotes)
We have ignored cultural literacy in thinking about education We ignore the air we breathe until it is thin or foul. Cultural literacy is the oxygen of social intercourse (Air We Breathe Quotes)
I’m going to guess Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, all want clean air to breathe and clean water to drink. I’m sure most people think women should be paid the same as men if they’re doing the same job. I think we all want good schools for our kids. If we made that list, we actually are in agreement on more things (Air We Breathe Quotes)
There are times when sympathy is as necessary as the air we breathe (Air We Breathe Quotes)
Angels are all around us, all the time, in the very air we breathe (Air We Breathe Quotes)
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