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Airman Quotes

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During the war he was an airman and slaughtered civilians from on high  (Airman Quotes) The airman must possess absolutely untroubled nerves  (Airman Quotes) The one weapon every man, soldier, sailor, or airman should be able to use effectively is the rifle  (Airman Quotes) As a son of an airman who was stationed at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, it is my honor to nominate young people to our military academies.  (Airman Quotes) One of the things that makes our military the best in the world is the certain knowledge of each soldier, sailor, airman, and Marine that they can always count on their comrades should they need help - that they will never be abandoned.  (Airman Quotes) Our training is world-class across all the services. We spend an awful lot on every soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, Coast Guardsman that comes in, and we ask them to do an awful lot, sometimes more than we expect of ourselves, and they do that.  (Airman Quotes) Why should one U.S. airman give up his life when our national security is not in imminent danger?  (Airman Quotes)