Alan Bradley Quotes

Text Quotes
I am often thought of as being remarkably bright, and yet my brains, more often than not, are busily devising new and interesting ways of bringing my enemies to sudden, gagging, writhing, agonizing death (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Everyone needs to escape, don't they? In one way or another, I mean (Alan Bradley Quotes)
I grew up in a very British family who had been transplanted to Canada, and my grandmother’s house was filled with English books. I was a very early reader, so I was really brought up being surrounded with piles of British books and British newspapers, British magazines. I developed a really great love of England (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Growing up in a Canadian household that was more British than Big Ben, I dreamed of flying to England myself and visiting the places my family never tired of talking about. I always woke up before the plane landed (Alan Bradley Quotes)
I had thought for years, probably 30 or 40 years, that it would be a lot of fun to try my hand at a classic English mystery novel... I love that form very much because the reader is so familiar with all of the types of characters that are in there that they already identify with the book (Alan Bradley Quotes)
My grandmother flew only once in her life, and that was the day she and her new husband ascended into the skies of Victorian London in the wicker basket of a hot-air balloon. They were soon to emigrate to Canada, and the aerial ride was meant to be a last view of their beloved England (Alan Bradley Quotes)
TV and film taught me to think cinematically. Teaching others to edit, for example, provides a great deal of insight into the millions of ways in which given elements can be put together to tell a story (Alan Bradley Quotes)
As I stood outside in Cow Lane, it occurred to me that Heaven must be a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No ... eight days a week. (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Prayer goes up and thought comes down - or so it seems. As far as I can tell, that's the only difference (Alan Bradley Quotes)
As I stood outside in Cow Lane, it occurred to me that Heaven must be a place where the library is open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. No... eight days a week (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Whenever I'm out-of-doors and find myself wanting to have a first-rate think, I fling myself down on my back, throw my arms and legs out so that I look like an asterisk, and gaze at the sky (Alan Bradley Quotes)
What intrigued me more than anything else was finding out the way in which everything, all of creation - all of it! - was held together by invisible chemical bonds, and I found a strange, inexplicable comfort in knowing that somewhere, even though we couldn't see it in our own world, there was a real stability (Alan Bradley Quotes)
"Tell them we may not be praying with them, " Father told the Vicar, "but we are at least not actively praying against them." (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Even in complete silence, Buckshaw had its own unique silence; a silence I would recognize anywhere (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Seed biscuits and milk! I hated Mrs. Mullet's seed biscuits the way Saint Paul hated sin. Perhaps even more so. I wanted to clamber up onto the table, and with a sausage on the end of a fork as my scepter, shout in my best Laurence Olivier voice, 'Will no one rid us of this turbulent pastry cook?' (Alan Bradley Quotes)
I remembered a piece of sisterly advice, which Feely once gave Daffy and me: "If ever you're accosted by a man, " she'd said, "kick him in the Casanovas and run like blue blazes!" Although it had sounded at the time like a useful bit of intelligence, the only problem was that I didn't know where the Casanovas were located. I'd have to think of something else (Alan Bradley Quotes)
A peculiar feeling passed over me - or, rather, through me, as if I were an umbrella remembering what it felt like to pop open in the rain (Alan Bradley Quotes)
'You are unreliable, Flavia, ' he said. 'Utterly unreliable.' Of course I was! It was one of the things I loved most about myself (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Here we were, father and I, shut up in a plain little room, and for the first time in my life having something that might pass for a conversation. We were talking to one another almost like adults; almost like one human being to another; almost like father and daughter. And even though I couldn't think of anything to say, I felt myself wanting it to go on and on until the last star blinked out (Alan Bradley Quotes)
While you've been gadding about the countryside, we've held a meeting, and we've all of us decided that you must go. ' In short, we've voted you out of the family, ' Daffy said. 'It was unanimous (Alan Bradley Quotes)
This was an interesting thought; it had never occurred to me that one's name could be a compass (Alan Bradley Quotes)
There was no way out; not, at least, in this direction. I was like a hamster that had climbed to the top of the ladder in its cage and found there was nowhere to go but down. But surely hamsters knew in their hamster hearts that escape was futile; it was only we humans who were incapable of accepting our own helplessness (Alan Bradley Quotes)
I shot him a broad smile, a smile wide enough to present him with a good view of the wire braces that caged my teeth. Although they gave me the look of a dirigible with the skin off, Father always liked being reminded that he was getting his money's worth (Alan Bradley Quotes)
As he drank, I remembered that there's a reason we English are ruled more by tea than by Buckingham Palace or His Majesty's Government: Apart from the soul, the brewing of tea is the only thing that sets us apart from the great apes - or so the Vicar had remarked to Father (Alan Bradley Quotes)
'Horehound sticks are meant to be shared with friends, don't you think?' She was dead wrong about that: Horehound sticks were meant to be gobbled down in solitary gluttony, and preferably in a locked room, but I didn't dare say so (Alan Bradley Quotes)
I visualized myself pulling on my mental thinking cap, jamming it down around my ears as I had taught myself to do. It was a tall, conical wizard's model, covered with chemical equations and formulae: a cornucopia of ideas (Alan Bradley Quotes)
You never know what you're getting into when you stick your nose in other people's rubbish (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Mediocrity, I discovered, was the great camouflage; the great protective coloring. Those boys who did not fail, yet did not excel, were left alone, free of the demands of the master who might wish to groom them for glory and of the school bully who might make them his scapegoat (Alan Bradley Quotes)
Mother Goose! I have never much cared for flippant remarks, especially when others make them, and in particular, I don't give a frog's fundament for them when they come from an adult (Alan Bradley Quotes)
"Cheese!" I exclaimed. It was a secret prayer, whose meaning was known only to God and to me (Alan Bradley Quotes)