Alan Cohen Quotes

Text Quotes
When confronted with a situation that appears fragmented or impossible, step back, close your eyes, and envision perfection where you saw brokenness. Go to the inner place where there is no problem, and abide in the consciousness of well-being (Alan Cohen Quotes)
The purpose of prayer is not to change God’s mind, which always knows your wholeness and your deservingness. The purpose of prayer is to change your mind so you can see through the eyes of God (Alan Cohen Quotes)
The word courage comes from the French word ‘coeur’, which means heart. True power proceeds not from force, but from love (Alan Cohen Quotes)
What your heart desires is not too good to be true. It is good enough to be true. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
If you desire to know where your spiritual work lies, look to your emotional pain (Alan Cohen Quotes)
In the end, we shall recognize our song and sing it well. You may feel a little warbly at the moment, but so have all the great singers. Just keep singing and you’ll find your way home. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Don’t talk yourself out of following your heart. Talk yourself into it. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
If one person is happier because you have lived, it is all worth it. And if you are that person, God is well pleased. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Happiness has little to do with what is going on around you, and a lot to do with what is going on inside you. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
I claim my heart’s desire, and I choose my direction. I will attain my chosen goal. (Alan Cohen Quotes)
If you want to find God, hang out in the space between your thoughts (Alan Cohen Quotes)
True champions are team players (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Eternity does not start after you die; it begins when you really live (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Don’t talk yourself out of following your heart. Talk yourself into it (Alan Cohen Quotes)
The door you open to give love is the very one through which love arrives (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Those who do not forgive history are assigned to repeat it until compassion replaces judgment (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Because fear is insatiable, everything that is insatiable is born of fear (Alan Cohen Quotes)
When your sense of worth exceeds your conditions, conditions will shift to match your vision (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Gratitude incorporates both the heart and mind, and instantly paves the shortest road to happiness (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Optimism may sometimes be delusional, but pessimism is always delusional (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Money is but one venue for generosity. Kindness is an even more valuable currency (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Everything will change when your desire to move on exceeds your desire to hold on (Alan Cohen Quotes)
When you protect yourself from pain, be sure you do not protect yourself from love (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Preparing to live your dream is postponing it. You are either living it, or not (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Your thoughts do not create reality, but they do create your experience (Alan Cohen Quotes)
Fantasy is often closer to reality than what most people accept as reality (Alan Cohen Quotes)
The people who are successful are those who are grateful for everything they have (Alan Cohen Quotes)
We attain freedom as we let go of whatever does not reflect our magnificence (Alan Cohen Quotes)