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Alan Cohen Quotes

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Will you ever run out of creative ideas and expressions? Ha! The more creative ideas you have, the more you will discover. Creativity is a tree with countless branches that never stop blossoming  (Alan Cohen Quotes) When we enter into any relationship with the premise that we are empty and the other person will fill us in, we are sure to fail. We can only win when we proceed from wholeness  (Alan Cohen Quotes) You need not wrestle for your good. Your good flows to you most easily when you are relaxed, open, and trusting  (Alan Cohen Quotes) You have the power to take away someone’s happiness by refusing to forgive. That someone is you  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Since you are the one who has to live with your choices, be sure they are your own  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Waiting does not exist in the experience of those who recognize the presence of love wherever they are  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Do not resist events that move you out of your comfort zone, especially when your comfort zone was not all that comfortable  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation  (Alan Cohen Quotes) It is not insult from another that causes you pain. It is the part of your mind that agrees with the insult. Agree only with the truth about you, and you are free  (Alan Cohen Quotes) When you learn to say yes to yourself, you will be able to say no to others, with love  (Alan Cohen Quotes) There is virtue in work and there is virtue in rest. Use both and overlook neither  (Alan Cohen Quotes) View the past as your enemy, and it will be an albatross. View it as your friend, and it will give you wings  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Keep memories of insult on a short leash, and memories of blessing on a long one  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Anything you believe you have to do or become before you can be free is a denial and distraction from the truth that you are already free  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Acts that proceed from your calm center are always more effective than acts that proceed from fear, guilt, or anger  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Only the ego resists egos. The spirit may notice egos, but sees beyond them and does not engage with them  (Alan Cohen Quotes) For everyone you create to be dependent on you, you are equally dependent on them. Neither relationship is healthy  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Busyness is not a reason for not getting other things done. It is an excuse for not claiming your true priorities  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Today I set my mind and heart on a new path. I focus my energy on love, appreciation, and my highest possibilities  (Alan Cohen Quotes) You can be helping many people, but if you are not helping yourself, you have missed the one person you were born to heal  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Work may be your dominant thought, and joy an afterthought. But joy is your true purpose, and work the afterthought  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Anger is the ego’s way of cloaking fear to make what is frail seem formidable  (Alan Cohen Quotes) Focus on the highest, clearest, and most meaningful teaching you can find, and let all else go  (Alan Cohen Quotes) The world would have you agree with its dismal dream of limitation. But the light would have you soar like the eagle of your sacred visions  (Alan Cohen Quotes) If you have to have it, it’s ego. If you have to not have it, it’s ego. Hold life lightly and it will deliver what you need and release what you don’t  (Alan Cohen Quotes) You believe that a lover will bring you love, but it is your love that will bring you a lover  (Alan Cohen Quotes) The spirit of love arranges all meetings in divine order for the highest good of all concerned  (Alan Cohen Quotes) It is not selfish to be happy. It is your highest purpose. Your joy is the greatest contribution you can make to life on the planet. A heart at peace with its owner blesses everyone it touches  (Alan Cohen Quotes) In the end, we shall recognize our song and sing it well. You may feel a little warbly at the moment, but so have all the great singers. Just keep singing and you’ll find your way home  (Alan Cohen Quotes) You are destined to become the peer of those you most respect because the greatness you perceive in them is your own  (Alan Cohen Quotes)
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