Alan Keyes Quotes
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Text Quotes
Politics must be founded on the solid faith of God almighty (Alan Keyes Quotes)
[T]he great American statesman devotes his energy, ability, and wisdom to conforming himself and this people to the moral principles that gave this nation birth, are older than anything else in the country’s soul, and yet retain the power to make us young again with the vigor of virtue and the zeal for justice. (Alan Keyes Quotes)
That money was for working eight to twelve hour days... it was not a welfare check (Alan Keyes Quotes)
I frankly don’t care if you agree with my stand on abortion. I take that stand because no other stand is consistent with decent principles, and no other standard is consistent with the will of God (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Our first responsibility is not to ourselves. Our first responsibility is to our country and to our God (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Black Americans make up 10 or 11% of the population, but they account now for something of 40 to 45% of all the abortions. This is a privileged position that I’m not sure anyone in their right mind would aspire to (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Selfish hedonism is not a pejorative. It is a description - an exactly accurate description of what is involved in homosexual relations (Alan Keyes Quotes)
That is one of the reasons I oppose this whole Affirmative Action business. We are not supposed to be judged based on what our ancestors did or suffered. We are supposed to be judged as individuals, based on what we are able to achieve (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The Declaration of Independence summarizes the civic principles of American life. It agrees with this biblical perspective when it affirms that we are all created equal and endowed by the Creator, God, with our unalienable rights (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Preferential affirmative action patronizes American blacks, women, and others by presuming that they cannot succeed on their own. Preferential affirmative action does not advance civil rights in this country (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The First Amendment isn’t about free thought and free opinion and free belief. The First Amendment is about free exercise--the carrying into practice of religious principles, and beliefs, and convictions (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The Assault Weapons Ban deals with a fictional distinction. You have guns that are exactly the same guns as are banned, in function, that were banned because of the way they look. And you know, that’s the whole truth of this policy: it’s to make politicians look as if they are doing something, when in point of fact, they are doing nothing (Alan Keyes Quotes)
There was a time when most Americans held to the notion that the only sure and secure foundation for freedom was God - the Source of unalienable rights and the Policeman stationed in every human heart... But apparently, we don’t believe in that sort of thing anymore (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The question isn’t whether you have a good master or a bad master. It’s to be your own master. That is the dignity of humanity. (Alan Keyes Quotes)
That money was for working eight to twelve hour days ... it was not a welfare check. (Alan Keyes Quotes)
I personally do not owe the debt that was owed by the campaign (Alan Keyes Quotes)
We need to get rid of the 16th amendment, and return to the original system that funds government with a variety of tariffs and duties (Alan Keyes Quotes)
You can’t build marriage on a foundation of selfish hedonism, because that would be to promise people only roses, and marriage is also thorns (Alan Keyes Quotes)
A callous disregard for the claims of innocent human life is the heart and soul of the evil of terrorism (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The travesty of slavery wasn’t physical abuse. It was the moral abuse of looking at a human being as if they are an animal (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Family life is the normal context in which we can learn that a life filled with thinking about others instead of ourselves is the sure road to the most fulfilling joys and satisfactions (Alan Keyes Quotes)
It's about time we all faced up to the truth. If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Bureaucracies are inherently antidemocratic. Bureaucrats derive their power from their position in the structure, not from their relations with the people they are supposed to serve. The people are not masters of the bureaucracy, but its clients (Alan Keyes Quotes)
When we, through our educational culture, through the media, through the entertainment culture, give our children the impression that human beings cannot control their passions, we are telling them, in effect, that human beings cannot be trusted with freedom (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The heart of government, coated with whatever velvet gloves you want to put on it, is a mailed fist of force and coercion (Alan Keyes Quotes)
The question isn’t whether you have a good master or a bad master. It’s to be your own master. That is the dignity of humanity (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Our success or failure is not in the hands of our leaders. It is in our hands (Alan Keyes Quotes)
How does it secure the blessings of liberty to our posterity, to those generations yet unborn, to kill them, aborting them in the womb? (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Every leader, and every regime, and every movement, and every organization that steps across the line to terrorism must be banished from the discourse of civilized human life (Alan Keyes Quotes)
Anything the government gives you is just another link in the chains that destroy your liberty (Alan Keyes Quotes)
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