Alan Moore Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m dependent on writing for a living, so really it’s to my advantage to understand how the creative process works. One of the problems is, when you start to do that, in effect you’re going to have to step off the edge of science and rationality. (Alan Moore Quotes)
There’s a widespread cultural barrenness across art and political culture. But there are some pockets of resistance on the extreme margins, like the techno-savvy protest movements, small press, the creator-owned comics, that seem to be getting some signs of hope for the future. (Alan Moore Quotes)
When I’m putting a story together, I generally know the ending and a couple of the points halfway through, and I’ve got sort of an idea about the beginning, and although I do write the story one sentence at a time, when I’m thinking it up, I’m thinking it up all at once. (Alan Moore Quotes)
It doesn’t do you any service to demonize any group of people. It’s much better to try and understand from the inside. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Please, don’t go. It’s lonely. There’s a hole in my head as big as the world and it’s so very lonely... (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’m the king of the 20th century. I’m the boogeyman, the villian, the black sheep of the family. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Every film is a remake of a previous film, or a remake of a television series that everyone loved in the 1960s, or a remake of a television series that everyone hated in the 1960s. Or it’s a theme park ride; it will soon come to breakfast cereal mascots. (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t think you can separate a place from its history. I think a place is much more than the bricks and mortar that go into its construction. I think it’s more than the accidental topography of the ground it stands on. (Alan Moore Quotes)
It’s only those exceptional and rare individuals who have brilliant ideas delivered to them by the muse, complete and gift wrapped. The rest of us have to work at it. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Why do we argue? Life’s so fragile, a successful virus clinging to a speck of mud, suspended in endless nothing. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Our environments shape the way we see ourselves. If you have been condemned to live in an area that is pretty evidently a rat-run, then sooner or later you’re gonna come to the conclusion that you’re a rat. (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’m not a particularly dark individual. I have my moments, it’s true, but I do have a sense of humor. (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t distinguish between magic and art. When I got into magic, I realised I had been doing it all along, ever since I wrote my first pathetic story or poem when I was twelve or whatever. This has all been my magic, my way of dealing with it. (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’m very distanced from the comics industry. I love the comics medium, but I have no time for the industry. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Since mankind’s dawn, a handful of oppressors have accepted the responsibility over our lives that we should have accepted for ourselves. By doing so, they took our power. By doing nothing, we gave it away. We’ve seen where their way leads, through camps and wars, towards the slaughterhouse. (Alan Moore Quotes)
It’s funny, but certain faces seem to go in and out of style. You look at old photographs and everybody has a certain look to them, almost as if they’re related. Look at pictures from ten years later and you can see that there’s a new kind of face starting to predominate, and that the old faces are fading away and vanishing, never to be seen again. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Language comes first. It’s not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven’t got language, you can’t be conscious. (Alan Moore Quotes)
There’s no flesh or blood within this cloak to kill. There’s only an idea. Ideas are bulletproof. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Do I believe, for example, that by using magic I could fly? No. How would you get around gravity? Impossible. Do I believe that I might be able to project my consciousness into a very, very vivid simulation of flying? Yeah. Yes, I’ve done that. Yes, that works. (Alan Moore Quotes)
As far as I can see, it’s not important that we have free will, just as long as we have the illusion of free will to stop us going mad. (Alan Moore Quotes)
In countries like the U.S. and Great Britain, we exist in a wholly sexualized culture, where everything from cars to snack food are sold with a healthy slathering of sex to make them more commercially appealing. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Some things are hard to imagine. Can you conceive of excessive contentment, for example? Or an over pleasant evening? Too much happiness? (Alan Moore Quotes)
When I hear alcoholics talk about having their demons, I think that they’re probably absolutely literally correct. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Rather than being able to have a healthy relationship with our own sexual imagination, we’re driven into some dark corners by shame and embarrassment and guilt, and those dark corners breed all sorts of monsters. (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t like to go to conventions, and I don’t like to relate to people on a level of hero worship, because there’s no real communication going on there. (Alan Moore Quotes)
Don't leave home without your sword - your intellect (Alan Moore Quotes)
I think that in an increasingly virtual world, lovingly produced artefacts are at a premium (Alan Moore Quotes)
We have laboured long to build a heaven, only to find it populated with horrors (Alan Moore Quotes)
We are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later (Alan Moore Quotes)
Truly, whoever we are, wherever we reside, we exist upon the whim of murderers (Alan Moore Quotes)