Alan Moore Quotes

Text Quotes
My dear, beautiful and imaginative things can be destroyed. Beauty and imagination cannot (Alan Moore Quotes)
Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it (Alan Moore Quotes)
Because our entire universe is made up of consciousness, we never really experience the universe directly we just experience our consciousness of the universe, our perception of it, so right, our only universe is perception (Alan Moore Quotes)
I suppose that the main drive is to find the edge of something and then throw myself over it (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’m not a particularly dark individual. I have my moments, it’s true, but I do have a sense of humor (Alan Moore Quotes)
Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose (Alan Moore Quotes)
There’s no such thing as quitting. Just sometimes there’s a longer pause between relapses (Alan Moore Quotes)
Language comes first. It’s not that language grows out of consciousness, if you haven’t got language, you can’t be conscious (Alan Moore Quotes)
Most of the people who get sent to die in wars are young men who’ve got a lot of energy and would probably rather, in a better world, be putting that energy into copulation rather than going over there and blowing some other young man’s guts out (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’ve known a lot of people go mad over the years, and it is more distressing than people dying. People dying is quite natural, people going mad is the complete antithesis of that (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t distinguish between magic and art. When I got into magic, I realised I had been doing it all along, ever since I wrote my first pathetic story or poem when I was twelve or whatever. This has all been my magic, my way of dealing with it (Alan Moore Quotes)
Material existence is entirely founded on a phantom realm of mind, whose nature and geography are unexplored (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t think any of us grew up into the world we were hoping for or expecting (Alan Moore Quotes)
For me, there is very little difference between magic and art. To me, the ultimate act of magic is to create something from nothing: It’s like when the stage magician pulls the rabbit from the hat (Alan Moore Quotes)
I was kind of a selfish child, who always wanted things his way, and I’ve kind of taken that over into my relationship with the world (Alan Moore Quotes)
Art makes us feel less alone. It makes us think: somebody else has thought this, somebody else has had these feelings (Alan Moore Quotes)
As far as I can see, it’s not important that we have free will, just as long as we have the illusion of free will to stop us going mad (Alan Moore Quotes)
Culture is just a shambling zombie that repeats what it did in life; bits of it drop off, and it doesn’t appear to notice (Alan Moore Quotes)
Famously, there’s not really anywhere to go after nihilism. It’s not progressing toward anything, it’s a statement of outrage, however brilliant (Alan Moore Quotes)
I didn’t really sign up to be a celebrity, I only signed up to be a writer (Alan Moore Quotes)
I don’t really think that very much is interesting about the superhero as an archetype (Alan Moore Quotes)
I genuinely like the people I meet at signings or the bits of public talking that I do (Alan Moore Quotes)
I think that we need mythology. We need a bedrock of story and legend in order to live our lives coherently (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’m very distanced from the comics industry. I love the comics medium, but I have no time for the industry (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’ve never studied anything formally. I was excluded from school at the age of 17, so I am an autodidact, which is a word that I have taught myself (Alan Moore Quotes)
I’ve never watched any of the adaptations of my books. I’ve never wanted to, and there’s absolutely no chance of me doing so in the future (Alan Moore Quotes)
If the audience knew what they wanted then they wouldn’t be the audience, they would be the artist (Alan Moore Quotes)
In the human mind, the number of possible connections that can be made between neurons greatly exceeds the number of atoms in the universe (Alan Moore Quotes)
On the one occasion where I did try writing a screenplay, I found the rewriting just unendurable (Alan Moore Quotes)
There are two worlds we live in: a material world, bound by the laws of physics, and the world inside our mind, which is just as important (Alan Moore Quotes)