Alan Robert Neal Quotes

Text Quotes
If you’re disagreeing with a friend with whom you normally agree and the topic relates to your issue, the odds are in favor of your friend being right (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
You can’t have a front without a back, nor a back without a front. In other words, there’s always another side (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Whenever we are engaged in our own bad behavior, we see the easy as insurmountable and the difficult as irrelevant (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Personally, I think fantasies are fine. It’s just important to treat them as relaxing delusions versus road maps to a potential reality (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
The benefit of not being in control is being free of the burden to be right (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
The difference between recognizing something as personal versus taking it personally is the difference between having friends and acquaintances (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
I bemoaned my limitations as torments of what I could not do until I realized they were what I didn’t have to do (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Those with the most eloquent explanation for their aberrations are the least likely to get better (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
One of the advantages of getting older is having less energy to sustain attachments to the unimportant (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
There’s a fine line between acceptance and denial. and, it’s not always easy to know which side of that line you’re on (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
If you’re resisting much needed advice, more important than wondering whether the other person is right is considering whether you’re wrong (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Just because someone blames you for making them insane doesn’t mean they’re not insane (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Just because your friends have not told you the hard truth doesn’t mean it’s not true. It probably means you’re not open to hearing it (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Those who consistently succeed are faithful to their personal formula for success, while those who consistently fail relentlessly cling to their personal formula for failure (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
If you really were entitled to what you thought you were, you’d have it by now (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Karma is just cause and effect, where the connection between the two is distant enough to either forget or lie about (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Bad conduct is not due to what we don’t know. It’s fueled by what we don’t want to know (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
When receiving personal advice, most people want to tell me what they would do in a given situation. In contrast, my closest friends tell me what I would do (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
It’s easy to misread someone’s behavior if you think their actions are driven by the same motivations as yours (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Make no agreement before its time. For instance, I don’t need to tell you what I’m having for dinner a week from now (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
The simplest way to consistently keeping your agreements is to only make agreements that need to be made (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
If I had a policy of abandoning people just for making mistakes, I would have forsaken myself decades ago (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
My three desires for an activity: An opportunity to be creative; people and environment to inspire the creativity; and, beneficial use of the creation. To me, that’s happiness (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
We mislabel... Isolation as independence, mutual dysfunction as intimacy, ambition as creativity, and entitlement as deserving (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
We should never criticize ourselves for how long it took to learn a lesson. We should just be thankful that we learned it (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
She boasted that she was a bitch, and I mourned the loss. Sweetness used to be her finest virtue (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
Loss and liberation go hand in hand for whatever we cannot lose owns us. Thus the more we lose the more we gain. Especially if we accept the absence of what we were never meant to have (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
We value... Fantasy over dreams, fiction over truth, being served over serving, answering over questioning, speaking over listening, and coercion over leadership (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
We tackle our most challenging emotions when the fear of consequence exceeds the fear of exploration (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)
I don’t know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of my own handshake, to look into my eyes, or to hear my voice. We can only know how we are perceived by asking others (Alan Robert Neal Quotes)