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Albania Quotes

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Albania is at risk and we are living in difficult times  (Albania Quotes) Most of Albania considers this Government to be legitimate  (Albania Quotes) Albania is going through a deep crisis because it lacks the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and freedom of the media. I don’t think if we stop protesting the problem is solved  (Albania Quotes) Albania does not feel alone. It is part of the Partnership for Peace structures in NATO, and it will do what it can within that  (Albania Quotes) Albania in 1994 was the strangest place I’ve ever seen. It was like walking into the looking glass: falling apart, paranoid people, anarchy, no one farming, full of thieves. It was beyond any Third World country. They were living in their own private nightmare  (Albania Quotes) The founding father of Albanian literature is the nineteenth-century writer Naim Frasheri. Without having the greatness of Dante or Shakespeare, he is nonetheless the founder, the emblematic character. He wrote long epic poems, as well as lyrical poetry, to awaken the national consciousness of Albania.  (Albania Quotes) Albania is going through a deep crisis because it lacks the rule of law, an independent judiciary, and freedom of the media. I don’t think if we stop protesting the problem is solved.  (Albania Quotes)