Albert Camus Quotes

Text Quotes
In fact, other people create for lack of power. I, on the other hand, do not need a work: I live (Albert Camus Quotes)
Do not be surprised. I do not like writers and I cannot stand their lies. They speak so as not to listen to themselves speak. If they did listen, they would know that they are nothing and then they would no longer be able to speak (Albert Camus Quotes)
Have you noticed that only death arouses our emotions? How we love thee friends who have just passed away, right? How we admire those master who no longer speak, their mouths full of dirt. We them we are not obligated (Albert Camus Quotes)
... one cannot be happy in exile or in oblivion. One cannot always be a stranger. I want to return to my homeland, make all my loved ones happy. I see no further than this (Albert Camus Quotes)
... unhappiness is like marriage. We believe we chose it, but then it is choosing us. That is how it is, we can do nothing about it (Albert Camus Quotes)
God is not necessary to create culpability, or to punish. Our fellow men are enough for that, helped by ourselves (Albert Camus Quotes)
What is a firm hand to me, of what use to me is this astonishing power if I cannot change the order of things, if I cannot make the sun set in the east, that suffering diminish and that beings no longer die? (Albert Camus Quotes)
What is human in me is not what is best in me. What is human in me is that I desire, and to obtain what I desire, I believe I would crush anything that stood in my way (Albert Camus Quotes)
If pimps and thieves everywhere were always punished, honest people would all believe themselves always to be innocent (Albert Camus Quotes)
What would become of the world if the condemned started to confide their heartaches to the executioners? (Albert Camus Quotes)
Old married people look so much alike that they have the same number of hairs in their ears (Albert Camus Quotes)
I understood, by dint of digging into my memories, that modesty helped me to shine, humility helped me to triumph and virtue to oppress (Albert Camus Quotes)
The more I accuse myself, the more right I have to judge you. Even better, I make you judge yourself, which comforts me the more (Albert Camus Quotes)
Even when one sits in the prisoner’s dock, it is interesting to hear talk about oneself (Albert Camus Quotes)
I was comfortable in all, I admit, but at the same time, nothing satisfied me. Each joy made me seek another (Albert Camus Quotes)
Nihilism is not only despair and negation, but above all the desire to despair and to negate (Albert Camus Quotes)
In truth, I was so good at being a man, with such plenitude and simplicity, that I thought I was something of a superman (Albert Camus Quotes)
Once one’s up against it, the precise manner of one’s death has obviously small importance (Albert Camus Quotes)
It is natural to give a clear view of the world after accepting the idea that it must be clear (Albert Camus Quotes)
We are not so mad as to think that we shall create a world in which murder will not occur. We are fighting for a world in which murder will no longer be legal (Albert Camus Quotes)
You must have a love, a great love, to ensure an alibi at unjustified despairs that conquer all of us (Albert Camus Quotes)
If there is a soul, it is a mistake to believe that it is given to us fully created. It is created here, throughout a whole life. And living is nothing else but that long and painful bringing forth (Albert Camus Quotes)
I have never been able, really, to regret anything in all my life. I have always been far much too absorbed in the present moment or the immediate future to think back (Albert Camus Quotes)
I realized people would soon forget me once I was dead. I couldn’t even say that this was hard to stomach; really, there’s no idea to which one doesn’t get acclimatized in time (Albert Camus Quotes)
I have no friends, I only have accomplices now. On the other hand, my accomplices are more numerous than my friends: they are the human race (Albert Camus Quotes)
In the end, we would like not to be guilty while at the same time being dispensed of the effort of purifying ourselves. Not enough cynicism and not enough virtue (Albert Camus Quotes)
Friendship is not so simple. It is hard to get and takes a long time, but when one ha it one cannot get rid of it, one has to face it (Albert Camus Quotes)
Every man needs slaves like he needs clean air. To rule is to breathe, is it not? And even the most disenfranchised get to breathe. The lowest on the social scale have their spouses or their children (Albert Camus Quotes)
For if there is a sin against life, it consists perhaps not so much in despairing of life as in hoping for another life and in eluding the implacable grandeur of this life (Albert Camus Quotes)
In order to exist just once in the world, it is necessary never again to exist (Albert Camus Quotes)