Albert Camus Quotes

Text Quotes
Some other memories of the funeral have stuck in my mind. The old boy’s face, for instance, when he caught up with us for the last time, just outside the village. His eyes were streaming with tears, of exhaustion or distress, or both together. But because of the wrinkles they couldn’t flow down. They spread out, crisscrossed, and formed a smooth gloss on the old, worn face (Albert Camus Quotes)
Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined. Society has but little connection with such beginnings. The worm is in man’s heart. That is where it must be sought. One must follow and understand this fatal game that leads from lucidity in the face of existence to flight from light (Albert Camus Quotes)
When I was young I asked more of people than they could give: everlasting friendship, endless feeling. Now I know to ask less of them than they can give: a straightforward companionship. And their feelings, their friendship, their generous actions seem in my eyes to be wholly miraculous: a consequence of grace alone (Albert Camus Quotes)
He knew now that it was his own will to happiness which must make the next move. But if he was to do so, he realized that he must come to terms with time, that to have time was at once the most magnificent and the most dangerous of experiments. Idleness is fatal only to the mediocre (Albert Camus Quotes)
The most loathsome materialism is not the kind people usually think of, but the sort that attempts to let dead ideas pass for living realities, diverting into sterile myths the stubborn and lucid attention we give to what we have within us that must forever die (Albert Camus Quotes)
The words that reverberate for us at the confines of this long adventure of rebellion are not formulas for optimism, for which we have no possible use in the extremities of our unhappiness, but words of courage and intelligence which, on the shores of the eternal seas, even have the qualities of virtue (Albert Camus Quotes)
There was a time when I didn’t at any minute have the slightest idea how I could reach the next one. Yes, one can wage war in this world, ape love, torture one’s fellow man, or merely say evil of one’s neighbour while knitting. But, in certain cases, carrying on, merely continuing, is superhuman (Albert Camus Quotes)
A stranger to myself and to the world, armed solely with a thought that negates itself as soon as it asserts, what is this condition in which I can have peace only by refusing to know and to live, in which the appetite for conquest bumps into walls that defy its assaults? (Albert Camus Quotes)
By giving too much importance to fine actions one may end by paying an indirect but powerful tribute to evil, because in so doing one implies that such fine actions are only valuable because they are rare, and that malice or indifference are far more common motives in the actions of men (Albert Camus Quotes)
And I too, felt ready to start life all over again. It was as if that great rush of anger had washed me clean, emptied me of hope, and, gazing up at the dark sky spangled with its signs and stars, for the first time, the first, I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the universe (Albert Camus Quotes)
Thus, in a middle course between these heights and depths, they drifted through life rather than lived, the prey of aimless days and sterile memories, like wandering shadows that could have acquired substance only by consenting to root themselves in the solid earth of their distress (Albert Camus Quotes)
If I convince myself that this life has no other aspect than that of the absurd, if I feel that its whole equilibrium depends on that perpetual opposition between my conscious revolt and the darkness in which it struggles, if I admit that my freedom has no meaning except in relation to its limited fate, then I must say that what counts is not the best living but the most living (Albert Camus Quotes)
I spent a long time looking at faces, drinking in smiles. Am I happy or unhappy? It’s not a very important question. I live with such frenzied intensity. Things and people are waiting for me, and doubtless I am waiting for them and desiring them with all my strength and sadness. But, here, I earn the right to be alive by silence and by secrecy. The miracle of not having to talk about oneself (Albert Camus Quotes)
In the next few years the struggle will not be between utopia and reality, but between different utopias, each trying to impose itself on reality... we can no longer hope to save everything, but... we can at least try to save lives, so that some kind of future, if perhaps not the ideal one, will remain possible (Albert Camus Quotes)
Love cannot accept what it is. Everywhere on earth it cries out against kindness, compassion, intelligence, everything that leads to compromise. Love demands the impossible, the absolute, the sky on fire, inexhaustible springtime, life after death, and death itself transfigured into eternal life (Albert Camus Quotes)
In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion; in order to serve others better, one has to hold them at a distance for a time. But where can one find the solitude necessary to vigor, the deep breath in which the mind collects itself and courage gauges its strength? There remain big cities (Albert Camus Quotes)
Mon cher ami, let’s not give them any pretext, no matter how small, for judging us!!! Otherwise, we’ll be left in shreds. We are forced to take the same precautions as the animal trainer. If, before going into the cage, he has the misfortune to cut himself while shaving, what a feast for the wild animals!! (Albert Camus Quotes)
To understand one’s world, one must sometimes turn away from it! To serve better, one must briefly hold it at a distance. Where can the necessary solitude be found, the long breathing space in which mind gathers its strength and takes stock of its courage (Albert Camus Quotes)
Slave camps under the flag of freedom, massacres justified by philanthropy or the taste of the superhuman, cripple judgment. On the day when crime puts on the apparel of innocence, through a curious reversal peculiar to our age, it is innocence that is called on to justify itself. The purpose of this essay is to accept and study that strange challenge (Albert Camus Quotes)
What gives value to travel is fear. It is a fact that, at a certain moment, when we are so far from our own country, we are seized by a vague fear and an instinctive desire to go back to the protection of old habits. I look upon it more as an occasion for testing (Albert Camus Quotes)
He was expressing his certainty that my appeal would be granted, but I was carrying the burden of a sin from which I had to free myself. According to him, human justice was nothing and divine justice was everything. I pointed out it was the former that had condemned me (Albert Camus Quotes)
It is a kind of spiritual snobbery that makes people think they can be happy without money (Albert Camus Quotes)
I shall tell you a great secret, my friend. Do not wait for the last judgment, it takes place every day (Albert Camus Quotes)
He who despairs over an event is a coward, but he who holds hope for the human condition is a fool (Albert Camus Quotes)
I sometimes think of what future historians will say of us. A single sentence will suffice for modern man: He fornicated and read the papers (Albert Camus Quotes)
Nothing is harder to understand than a symbolic work. A symbol always transcends the one who makes use of it and makes him say in reality more than he is aware of expressing (Albert Camus Quotes)
What must be remembered in any case is that secret complicity that joins the logical and the everyday to the tragic (Albert Camus Quotes)
I do not want to found anything on the incomprehensible. I want to know whether I can live with what I know and with that alone (Albert Camus Quotes)
The absurd does not liberate; it binds. It does not authorize all actions. Everything is permitted does not mean that nothing is forbidden (Albert Camus Quotes)
The world evades us because it becomes itself again. That stage scenery masked by habit becomes what it is. It withdraws at a distance from us (Albert Camus Quotes)