Albert Einstein Quotes

Text Quotes
If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy (Albert Einstein Quotes)
It is better to believe than to disbelieve; in doing you bring everything to the realm of possibility (Albert Einstein Quotes)
No, this trick won’t work... How on earth are you ever going to explain in terms of chemistry and physics so important a biological phenomenon as first love? (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed (Albert Einstein Quotes)
It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception (Albert Einstein Quotes)
My pacifism is an instinctive feeling, a feeling that possesses me because the murder of men is disgusting. My attitude is not derived from any intellectual theory but is based on my deepest antipathy to every kind of cruelty and hatred (Albert Einstein Quotes)
If I had an hour to solve a problem I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it... he who doesn’t... pays it (Albert Einstein Quotes)
A conviction akin to religious feeling of the rationality or intelligibility of the world lies behind all scientific work of a high order (Albert Einstein Quotes)
I must be willing to give up what I am in order to become what I will be (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Children don’t heed the life experiences of their parents, and nations ignore history. Bad lessons always have to be learned anew (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Life is a preparation for the future; and the best preparation for the future is to live as if there were none (Albert Einstein Quotes)
It is the duty of every citizen according to his best capacities to give validity to his convictions in political affairs (Albert Einstein Quotes)
We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance for fears, we dance for hopes, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, we create the dreams (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The only justifiable purpose of political institutions is to ensure the unhindered development of the individual (Albert Einstein Quotes)
In the matter of physics, the first lessons should contain nothing but what is experimental and interesting to see. A pretty experiment is in itself often more valuable than twenty formulae extracted from our minds (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The individual must not merely wait and criticize, he must defend the cause the best he can. The fate of the world will be such as the world deserves (Albert Einstein Quotes)
To sense that behind anything that can be experienced there is a something that our mind cannot grasp and whose beauty and sublimity reaches us only indirectly and as a feeble reflection, this is religiousness. In this sense I am religious (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The true value of a human being can be found in the degree to which he has attained liberation from the self (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The right to search for the truth implies also a duty; one must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be the truth (Albert Einstein Quotes)
To dwell on the things that depress or anger us does not help in overcoming them. One must knock them down alone (Albert Einstein Quotes)
A society’s competitive advantage will come not from how well its schools teach the multiplication and periodic tables, but from how well they stimulate imagination and creativity (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter (Albert Einstein Quotes)
The life of the individual has meaning only insofar as it aids in making the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred, that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are subordinate (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Strange is our situation here on earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose (Albert Einstein Quotes)
If I had known they were going to do this, I would have become a shoemaker (Albert Einstein Quotes)
Beyond the realms of what we see, into the regions or the unexplored limited only by our imaginations (Albert Einstein Quotes)