Albert Jay Nock Quotes

Text Quotes
The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests - if you try to feed it with a shovel you get bad results (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
The question of who is right and who is wrong has seemed to me always too small to be worth a moment’s thought, while the question of what is right and what is wrong has seemed all - important (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
Bad as euphemism is, however, indirection is worse. I notice that a writer in a recent magazine gives this advice to budding newspaper men (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
Organized Christianity has always represented immortality as a sort of common heritage; but I never could see why spiritual life should not be conditioned on the same terms as all life, i. E., correspondence with environment (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
As might be supposed, my parents were quite poor, but we somehow never seemed to lack anything we needed, and I never saw a trace of discontent or a failure in cheerfulness over their lot in life, as indeed over anything (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
Concerning culture as a process, one would say that it means learning a great many things and then forgetting them; and the forgetting is as necessary as the learning (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
Diligent as one must be in learning, one must be as diligent in forgetting; otherwise the process is one of pedantry, not culture (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
The business of a scientific school is the dissemination of useful knowledge, and this is a noble enterprise and indispensable withal; society can not exist unless it goes on (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
The mentality of an army on the march is merely so much delayed adolescence; it remains persistently, incorrigibly and notoriously infantile (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
When we speak freely, let us speak plainly, for plain speech is wholesome; especially, plain speech about public affairs and public men (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
Personal publicity of every kind is utterly distasteful to me, and I have made greater efforts to escape it than most people make to get it (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)
It is certainly true that whatever a man may do or say, the most significant thing about him is what he thinks; and significant also is how he came to think it, why he continued to think it, or, if he did not continue, what the influences were which caused him to change his mind (Albert Jay Nock Quotes)