Alberto Manguel Quotes

Text Quotes
If every library is in some sense a reflection of its readers, it is also an image of that which we are not, and cannot be (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
In the light, we read the inventions of others; in the darkness we invent our own stories (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
From fire, water, the passage of time, neglectful readers, and the hand of the censor, each of my books has escaped to tell me its story (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
I have no feelings of guilt regarding the books I have not read and perhaps will never read; I know that my books have unlimited patience. They will wait for me till the end of my days (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
There is a line of poetry, a sentence in a fable, a word in an essay, by which my existence is justified; find that line, and immortality is assured (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
Maybe this is why we read, and why in moments of darkness we return to books: to find words for what we already know (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
I always knew that I wanted to live with books, even as a child, because we traveled a lot. Home was the book to which I came back every evening (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
A writer stops writing the moment he or she puts the last full stop to their text, and at that point the book is in limbo and doesn’t come to life until the reader picks it up and the reader flips the pages (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
I’ve never really understood attachment to a place for reasons of birth. That my mother happened to give birth to me in a certain place doesn’t, to my mind, justify any thankfulness towards that place. It could have been anywhere (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
Old books that we have known but not possessed cross our path and invite themselves over. New books try to seduce us daily with tempting titles and tantalizing covers (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
The stories that unfold in the space of a writer’s study, the objects chosen to watch over a desk, the books selected to sit on the shelves, all weave a web of echoes and reflections of meanings and affections, that lend a visitor the illusion that something of the owner of this space lives on between these walls, even if the owner is no more (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
Books may not change our suffering, books may not protect us from evil, books may not tell us what is good or what is beautiful, and they will certainly not shield us from the common fate of the grave. But books grant us myriad possibilities: the possibility of change, the possibility of illumination (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
As readers, we have gone from learning a precious craft whose secret was held by a jealous few, to taking for granted a skin that has become subordinate to principles of mindless financial profit or mechanical efficiency, a skill for which governments care almost nothing (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
I know my time will come soon enough, but I will not dwell on it. What is the purpose? We might as well dwell on the work of our teeth or on the mechanics of our walk. It is there, it will always be there, and I don’t intend to spend my glorious hours looking over my shoulder to see death’s icy face (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
At night, here in the library, the ghosts have voices... The various qualities of my readings seem to permeate my every muscle, so that when I finally decide to turn off the library light, I carry into my sleep the voices and the movements of the book I’ve just closed (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
We read to understand, or to begin to understand. We cannot do but to read. Reading almost as much as breathing, is our essential function (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
I quickly learned that reading is cumulative and proceeds by geometric progression: each new reading builds upon whatever the reader has read before (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
Socrates affirmed that only that which the reader already knows can be sparked by a reading, and that the knowledge cannot be acquired through dead letters (Alberto Manguel Quotes)
Digestion of words as well; I often read aloud to myself in my writing corner in the library, where no one can hear me, for the sake of better savouring the text, so as to make it all the more mine (Alberto Manguel Quotes)