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Our friends in the group Chicago, they just numbered theirs and we thought that was kind of neat but it made continuity from album to album and that was our way of doing it  (Album Quotes) Inside was the second LP album of a comedian’s performance before an audience  (Album Quotes) That’s part of the reason I called the album ‘Shoot From The Hip.’ I did feel it was time to open up more  (Album Quotes) I picked and co-wrote the songs that if I was a guy who would be spending my hard-earned money buying an album I would want to hear  (Album Quotes) Well it has been very exciting and very changing as well. Celebrating the 40th year and having the album out and the Channel 4 documentary and I resigned from Blind Date  (Album Quotes) What’s the point of re-releasing an album? the original sounded good, why change something about it?  (Album Quotes) And, he’d seen me in Panama, and he talked about maybe doing something in New York so I hooked it up when I came here and I recorded in 1969 my first album with Pete Rodriguez  (Album Quotes) I have been fortunate enough to record several singles and a whole album with Chet Atkins  (Album Quotes) Well, I heard of Sunny Ade, and looks as if his music is gonna be big on a global level, because I was in London the other day and some people asked me to review the album  (Album Quotes) With me being form the South, I wanted to make this album like a G Unit  (Album Quotes) Even though I had pushed through the Tango album, it was just not a very good environment to be in on a daily basis. In many ways, this is the best time of my life  (Album Quotes) To do the Ozzfest again would be great. I’d like to finish with a final Sabbath album. You always feel that it is still a challenge  (Album Quotes) The only person I’ve worked with on my album was Kanye. and between the stuff that I’ve done and the stuff that he’s assisted on and produced for me for this album, I don’t even need anything else  (Album Quotes) I wanted this album to sound like a big crocheted blanket - to be warm yet to have a lot of space  (Album Quotes) I feel that I see John Lennon now as not a celebrity. I did then. I saw him as a cardboard cutout on an album cover  (Album Quotes) The success of this album is very much in question. Who knows where it’s going to go? My being a Spice Girl is no guarantee of anything, although I hope it’ll benefit the sales  (Album Quotes) Well actually, we are working on the live album from the shows in Japan. I’m trying to get that finished  (Album Quotes) I am thrilled to have been able to put together this new album. I listened to everything I had recorded in the 24 years with Elektra, and then just took all the ones I am mad about  (Album Quotes) Each thing leapfrogs. I do a Genesis project - like now, we’re just finishing off an album - and then by the time the album is doing its thing, I could do nothing or I could do a film  (Album Quotes) To be honest, producing records interests me less at the moment and I really don’t want to get involved in album projects that are going to take up a lot of time  (Album Quotes) I try to retire jokes as soon as I can once I put them on an album. But I can’t think of anything I just stopped doing for no reason  (Album Quotes) I wouldn’t buy somebody’s album on a dare if they called him a musician’s musician. I don’t write to be a writer’s writer. I don’t want to be like the little-magazine writer  (Album Quotes) I’m always going forward toward something, and that something is usually an album, because I like to record. I probably like to record more than I like to write  (Album Quotes) I don’t do album covers or CD covers for groups or musicians I don’t like or have no interest in  (Album Quotes) Certain artists have a role to echo the echoes of the people and that’s what I’ll be doing on my next album  (Album Quotes) Music is my time capsule. Each album reflects what I’m going through or what’s going on in my life at that moment  (Album Quotes) I did some songs for Baz Luhrmann’s The Great Gatsby. I had done a jazz album of Roxy songs, and they used bits of it in the film. It would be nice to score a movie one day  (Album Quotes) I was talking to Alan Jackson. He had his second Greatest Hits album. He said, You don’t ever get into this really thinking you’re gonna make it  (Album Quotes) It’s a juggling act. Every time I get going on the album stuff or being musical, acting kicks in and I book a job. It comes down to a money thing  (Album Quotes) If it’s the beginning of something - like an album, I’m working on the lyrics and I take a walkman and headset  (Album Quotes)
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