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Most of the time when people work with an artist, they don’t give them what they need for the future, they give them what their last album sounded like. So it’s like, ‘Oh, One Republic needs a song, why don’t we send them 10 that sound like ‘Apologize?’  (Album Quotes) That’s the choice they allow you - now the outlet is being a pop star, which is really what I’m saying on the album in ‘Working class hero’. As I told Rolling Stone, it’s the same people who have the power, the class system didn’t change one little bit  (Album Quotes) I’m gonna design my own fleet of trailers. No! I’m gonna record an album like Jennifer Lopez. It’ll be an acoustic version of K.C. and the Sunshine Band. Then maybe I’ll design a line of clothes like Puff Daddy, but all in synthetic fur  (Album Quotes) What’s that? My six song album entitled Bo Fo Sho is currently available on iTunes? With three songs that have never been heard on the internet? Uh, and if I try to pirate it for free I’ll get AIDS? I would have guessed scurvy. Well, see you later ghost of Dr.Martin Luther King Jr  (Album Quotes) But I always wanted to do a theatrical stuff. But when you’re in a metal band of course you’re limited because five people in the band, um, you’ve got no keyboards... you’re limited. And I wanted... to go over-the-top, you know. Literally. I wanted to make an album that people would either hate or love  (Album Quotes) Nobody loves me. No, everybody wanted me to do this one by myself, and I wanted to do it by myself. So, this is sorta like my first solo album. I didn’t pull any tricks out of my hat, and just went with the natural flow of the film  (Album Quotes) I think my favourite song on the album [Second Hand Rapture’] is ‘Head Is Not My Home’, I love the vocal melody and it’s such a power hit of a track. Every time it pops on I like listening to it, I’m really drawn to it  (Album Quotes) I love music. It’s always been a big part of my life, and I don’t think people should, you know, judge me by my last name instead of listening to the album. I think the music definitely speaks for itself, and it’s a great album  (Album Quotes) There were a lot of people doing new and interesting things with rock. But I wanted to take it farther than that. My real influence was punk. I must have listened to the first Patti Smith album 300 times  (Album Quotes) You only get one album. You only get one single. You get one shot in music. But I have a million different dreams. Why can’t I go out and try to achieve them all? Who are you to say I can’t?  (Album Quotes) I actually have heard of acts who only do their new album, and don’t do their hits. I’ve never been in that mind set.  (Album Quotes) It’s really touching that we can come back after so long and care about making an album that says as much as this one does. And after all this time, we really do care about each other.  (Album Quotes) I feel that after all those horrible reviews and jokes, I wasn’t crazy all these years to stand up for the music I believe in. This album has proven that somewhere in the human race, the human heart is still racing and breaking and I am so grateful.  (Album Quotes) His smile was like a Dylan album and a cup of coffee on a sunny afternoon  (Album Quotes) I just kept it real and had the freedom to do what I want. It’s not designed for any age group. It’s not made for radio. There are no edits. The whole album contains explicit lyrics but that’s because you need it.  (Album Quotes) The mystical poetry of William Blake’s artwork also forms the basis for the album cover  (Album Quotes) I asked Bob Dylan to paint the album cover for ‘Music from Big Pink.’ He said, ‘Yeah, let me see what I can come up with.’  (Album Quotes) In New York, I’m around a lot of the reasons I started playing music in the first place. I live right behind Matt Umanov Guitars. I live on the street that Suze Rotolo and Bob Dylan were walking down on the album cover. I recognize the history.  (Album Quotes) I have really low self-esteem, and it’s not easy for me to put myself on an album cover  (Album Quotes) I would just think that I would remember modeling for the cover of an album with Tom Waits, who I’ve always loved.  (Album Quotes) I resent the fact that a parental warning sticker has to be included on an album as cover art. To me that’s censorship.  (Album Quotes) I always wanted to make a cover album consisting of obscure psychedelic music from the 1960s - all re-shaped and customized, Ulver style.  (Album Quotes) One of the things that’s kind of persistent is that I am the model on the cover of Tom Waits’ album, Small Change.  (Album Quotes) Bob Dylan’s first couple of records in the 60’s weren’t considered cover records, but he only wrote one or two original songs on each album.  (Album Quotes) Try this experiment: one day go in a record store and just try and guess what the music sounds like by looking at the album cover.  (Album Quotes) What I wanted was just to make music, and so, originally I just wanted to hide behind the album cover of the last record, and I wanted it to be almost anonymous.  (Album Quotes) In my office, I have framed album covers by Dottie West, Connie Smith, Tammy, Dolly, Loretta and Jessi Colter.  (Album Quotes) I don’t do album covers or CD covers for groups or musicians I don’t like or have no interest in.  (Album Quotes) American Horror’ goes for a very specific kind of Seventies suburban downer ambience - ‘Flowers in the Attic’ paperbacks, Black Sabbath album covers and late-night flicks like ‘Let’s Scare Jessica to Death.’ It even has ‘Go Ask Alice’-era urban legends.  (Album Quotes) I try to explain that to my kids - the experience of going to a record store, flipping through racks and finding that album cover that intrigues you - but my kids don’t want to know about it. They download the one song on the album they like, and pay their 99 cents.  (Album Quotes)
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