Alcohol Quotes
Text Quotes
My point is pot is no more and probably less harmful than alcohol is. I don’t understand the stigma of not legalizing marijuana. And I don’t even smoke it. I don’t understand why. I don’t get it (Alcohol Quotes)
Theres nothing like taking two flights when you have a horrible hangover. Its bad when people can see actual alcohol seeping out of your disgusting pores (Alcohol Quotes)
Mankind does not drink alcohol because there are breweries, distilleries, and vineyards; men brew beer, distill spirits, and grow grapes because of the demand for alcoholic drinks (Alcohol Quotes)
What a mystery this is, desire. The love sickness, the sensitivity, the obsession, the flutter of the heart, the ebb and flow of the blood. There is no drug and no alcohol to equal it (Alcohol Quotes)
The reward for total abstinence from alcohol seems, illogically enough, to be the capacity for becoming intoxicated without it (Alcohol Quotes)
You should know our mania for building is stronger than ever. It is a diabolical thing. It consumes money and the more you build, the more you want to build. It’s a sickness like being addicted to alcohol (Alcohol Quotes)
Gazing at the typewriter in moments of desperation I console myself with three thoughts. Alcohol at six, dinner at eight, and to be immortal you’ve got to be dead (Alcohol Quotes)
Once you’ve been overweight you never want to be overweight again, so you keep going, keep going, like for any addiction. Health can be an addiction, it doesn’t have to be drugs or alcohol (Alcohol Quotes)
My father taught me to not fear anything. Having said that, much of my addiction to alcohol and drugs was tied to fear: fear of flying, fear of talking to women, etc. I conquered those fears years ago (Alcohol Quotes)
I do think that drugs and alcohol have been glorified and exoticized in such a way that it gets into the art world (Alcohol Quotes)
I’m sure drugs and alcohol perhaps would inspire new thoughts, but it’s certainly not something that I use as a tool or a mechanism to create (Alcohol Quotes)
It is said that the offender never forgives. Certainly it is quite explicitly hard for the one in the wrong to do so. And it takes more spiritual asset than continued alcohol often leaves (Alcohol Quotes)
Happiness is a fragile thing, and alcohol, as I know from the house I grew up in, is dangerous to it (Alcohol Quotes)
Alcohol may also persuade us that we have found the truth about life, a comforting experience rarely available in the sober hour (Alcohol Quotes)
I’m not a big drinking person and hardly ever have alcohol. Perhaps it’s not sweet enough for my sweet tooth (Alcohol Quotes)
After my hip operation, I had to cut out butter, which I loved, and salt. I no longer eat desserts with lots of cream, and I’ve cut right back on alcohol (Alcohol Quotes)
Being smarter gives you a tailwind throughout life. People who are more intelligent earn more, live longer, get divorced less, are less likely to get addicted to alcohol and tobacco, and their children live longer (Alcohol Quotes)
I don’t smoke, drink alcohol well, or play games. But I watch dramas. It is hard to quit (Alcohol Quotes)
When you take a lot of cocaine powder you tend to take a lot of alcohol with it as well, so for many years really I never went out without at least four or five grams of cocaine powder (Alcohol Quotes)
If alcohol is legal, I don’t see why people still have a ban on marijuana (Alcohol Quotes)
You need a long hard day’s work to reveal the logic of the craving for very bad tv and alcohol (Alcohol Quotes)
I am forbidden sugar, fat, and alcohol. So hooray, I guess, for oatmeal, lemon juice, and chicken soup (Alcohol Quotes)
I like big drinks that aren’t afraid of the alcohol in them. Not big in size, but in flavor, and the way I can allow myself to enjoy them is by making them in very small quantities. I make tiny glasses of very big drinks (Alcohol Quotes)
I don’t think vodka is useful. I think it’s for people who don’t like alcohol, in which case, you probably shouldn’t be drinking it (Alcohol Quotes)
Tobacco is the second most dangerous drug available to our culture. Number one is alcohol follow by many pharmacy pills. So no, marijuana is not more dangerous then tobacco (Alcohol Quotes)
Let me be the first to tell you, drinking alcohol is the worst thing to do in cold weather. Hot soup is the best because the process of digesting food helps to warm you up (Alcohol Quotes)
There are hundreds of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period (Alcohol Quotes)
Man seeks to escape himself in myth, and does so by any means at his disposal. Drugs, alcohol, or lies. Unable to withdraw into himself, he disguises himself. Lies and inaccuracy give him a few moments of comfort (Alcohol Quotes)
Here’s to alcohol: the cause of, and answer to, all of life’s problems (Alcohol Quotes)
When I have an idea, I turn down the flame, as if it were a little alcohol stove, as low as it will go. Then it explodes and that is my idea (Alcohol Quotes)