Aldo Leopold Quotes

Text Quotes
Wilderness is the very stuff America is made of (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
The first law of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Only the most uncritical minds are free from doubt (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Wildlife administration, in this respect, is not yet a profession (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
If we lose our wilderness, we have nothing left worth fighting for (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
What a dull world if we knew all about geese! (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
The modern dogma is comfort at any cost (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
There are some who can live without wild things and some who cannot (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
What avail are forty freedoms without a blank spot on the map? (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
I am glad I will not be young in a future without wilderness (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
We all strive for safety, prosperity, comfort, long life, and dullness (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
There is time not only to see who has done what, but to speculate why (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
In wildness is the salvation of the world (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
In our attempt to make conservation easy, we have made it trivial (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Too much safety seems to yield only danger in the long run (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
In June as many as a dozen species may burst their buds on a single day. No man can heed all of these anniversaries; no man can ignore all of them (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
The worthiness of any cause is not measured by its clean record, but by its readiness to see the blots when they are pointed out, and to change its mind (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Never did we plan the morrow, for we had learned that in the wilderness some new and irresistible distraction is sure to turn up each day before breakfast. Like the river, we were free to wander (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Wilderness, then, assumes unexpected importance as a laboratory for the study of land - health (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Examine each question in terms of what is ethically and aesthetically right, as well as what is economically expedient (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
O, God assist our side: at least, avoid assisting the enemy and leave the rest to me (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Civilization has so cluttered this elemental man-earth relationship with gadgets and middlemen that awareness of it is growing dim. We fancy that industry supports us, forgetting what supports industry (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
This whole effort to rebuild and stabilize a countryside is not without its disappointments and mistakes... What matter though these temporary growing pains when one can cast his eye upon the hills and see hard-boiled farmers who have spent their lives destroying land now carrying water by hand to their new plantations (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
My favorite quote: The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land... In short, a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it. It implies respect for his fellow-members, and also respect for the community as such (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Thus far we have considered the problem of conservation of land purely as an economic issue. A false front of exclusively economic determinism is so habitual to Americans in discussing public questions that one must speak in the language of compound interest to get a hearing (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
It is inconceivable to me that an ethical relation to land can exist without love, respect, and admiration for land, and a high regard for its value. By value, I of course mean something far broader than mere economic value; I mean value in the philosophical sense (Aldo Leopold Quotes)
Barring love and war, few enterprises are undertaken with such abandon, or by such diverse individuals, or with so paradoxical a mixture of appetite and altruism, as that group of avocations known as outdoor recreation. It is, by common consent, a good thing for people to get back to nature. But wherein lies the goodness, and what can be done to encourage its pursuit? (Aldo Leopold Quotes)