Alex Pareene Quotes
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Text Quotes
Anderson Cooper is fine. He is a smart, conscientious guy, and he seems to want his show to produce and highlight good journalism. But he also seems to want to replace Regis, or maybe even Oprah. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Sen. Rand Paul is a Different Kind of Republican. He will drag the party, kicking and screaming, toward a new kind of conservatism that appeals more to today’s youth, who embrace liberty and are skeptical of foreign intervention. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Many on the professional Right owe their livelihoods to a large and growing network of nonprofit donor-funded groups and for-profit consulting and direct marketing companies hired by those groups. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
I think Matt Yglesias is wrong to declare that the world of ‘This Town’ is dying, unless he thinks publicly financed elections, strict lobbying bans and Scandinavian-style wealth distribution are imminent. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Political journalists, socially inept or no, are not nerds. Most of them can’t do math, a fact that campaigns and politicians regularly exploit. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
FreedomWorks, which is funded primarily by very rich people, solicits donations from non-rich conservative people. More than 80,000 people donated money to FreedomWorks in 2012, and it seems likely that only a small minority of those people were hedge fund millionaires. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Most of us don’t think forwarding a racist joke or speaking in an insulting ‘comedic’ accent is appropriate at the workplace. Unfortunately, for those raised in the toxic culture of conservatism, the sort of mentality that leads government employees to do those things is widespread. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Every year, the White House Correspondents’ Dinner inspires two competing varieties of coverage: celebrity-obsessed fawning and angry tirades about how it represents everything twisted about our broken democracy. It doesn’t, really. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
The thing with ‘The West Wing’ is that the fantasy was legitimately better than the reality - these were smarter, better people than their real-life counterparts, working together at a better White House than the one we had. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
An American parliamentary system with proportional representation wouldn’t immediately or inexorably lead to a flourishing social democracy, but it would at least correct the overrepresentation of an ideological minority and cut down on intentional tactical economic sabotage. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
There are two important things to remember about ‘entitlements’: They are hugely popular programs for a very good reason, and actual sensible ‘reform’ would mean improving them, not sacrificing them at the altar of ‘fiscal responsibility.’ (Alex Pareene Quotes)
In case you’re unfamiliar with TED, it is a series of short lectures on a variety of subjects that stream on the Internet for free. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Only a small rich fringe hates Social Security for disincentivizing 80-year-olds from seeking full-time employment. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Conservatives don’t want to read good, smart books. They mostly want to read Fox and talk radio hosts writing about presidents. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
The Pentagon budget, like all government spending, is an expression of priorities (Alex Pareene Quotes)
From the late David Broder on down, the most powerful and influential of the great Washington columnists and journalists tend to cultivate the driest, least lively voices possible. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
I’m not great on television. That’s one reason I don’t do it very often. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
In our system of government, an opposition party doesn’t have the ability to pass legislation, but it has the ability to massively screw things up. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Christopher Hitchens, the late essayist and sot, was a man who purposefully cultivated a lot of friends of a certain type - rich, self-important, generally dim-witted and hence easy for a well-spoken Oxbridge debater to impress - and he electrified Washington D.C. society mainly by not being a completely charmless bore. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Furloughing a bunch of air traffic controllers has a pretty easy-to-predict effect on air travel: It causes delays. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Programs aimed strictly at the poorest Americans are always and forever under assault from a Republican Party that still has not dared to cut spending on programs - like Medicare and crop insurance - that also benefit the rich. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
American politicians are responsive almost solely to the interests and desires of their rich constituents and interest groups that primarily represent big business. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
For most of the millions of people who watch TED videos at the office, it’s a middlebrow diversion and a source of factoids to use on your friends. Except TED thinks it’s changing the world, like if ‘This American Life’ suddenly mistook itself for Doctors Without Borders. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
For the most part, congressional Republicans represent people who are whiter, older and richer than most Americans, and our creaky old political system gives those Americans disproportionate influence over public policy. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
For the cable news guest, nothing happens for a while until suddenly everything happens very quickly. After you receive your television face, you stand around for a while, ignored, until you’re sat down at a desk and asked to argue with strangers. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
The goal isn’t, and shouldn’t be, to block Hillary Clinton. The goal is to make sure a potential President Clinton is beholden to a better Congress and a better Democratic Party. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
Many people - especially those people who earn livings by convincing editors and bookers that rich and influential strangers consider their thoughts and opinions interesting - have ideas about who should or should not run for president. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
I love insults, devastating takedowns, things that could be described by Twitter hacks as ‘shots fired,’ and funny ad hominem attacks. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
For CNBC, and for Wall Street, billion-dollar fines for violations of the law are just part of the price of doing business, along with litigation costs and ‘compliance.’ (Alex Pareene Quotes)
It’s been possible for years to use a PC to watch and record over-the-air television broadcasts, and unencrypted cable television tuners have been available almost as long. But for a long time, you could only watch copyright-protected channels with a cable company-leased box. (Alex Pareene Quotes)
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