Alexander Maclaren Quotes
Friendship Quotes
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All that this world knows of living lies in giving - and more giving; He that keeps, be sure he loses -Friendship grows by what it uses. (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The grave has a door on its inner side (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
No man loveth God except the man who has first learned that God loves him (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Love is the foundation of all obedience (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Faith is the sight of the inward eye (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
So for us, the condition and preparation on and by which we are sheltered by that great hand, is the faith that asks, and the asking of faith. We must forsake the earthly props, but we must also believingly desire to be upheld by the heavenly arms. We make God responsible for our safety when we abandon other defense, and commit ourselves to Him (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
God keeps giving Himself as long as we bring that into which He can pour Himself. And when we stop bringing, He stops giving (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The sum of the whole matter is this: He who is one in will and heart with God is a Christian. He who loves God is one in will and heart with Him. He who trusts Christ loves God. That is Christianity in its ultimate purpose and result. That is Christianity in its means and working forces. That is Christianity in its starting point and foundation (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The apostolic church thought more about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ than about death and heaven. The early Christians were looking, not for a cleft in the ground called a grave but for a cleavage in the sky called Glory (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Let the current of your being set towards God, then your life will be filled and calmed by one master-passion which unites and stills the soul. (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The gospel is not speculation but fact. It is truth, because it is the record of a person who is the Truth. (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
If our faith in God is not the veriest sham, it demands, and will produce, the abandonment sometimes, the subordination always, of eternal helps and material good. (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Christ wrought out His perfect obedience as a man, through temptation, and by suffering (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Do not let the empty cup be your first teacher of the blessings you had when it was full. Do not let a bard place here and there in the bed destroy your rest. Seek, as a plain duty, to cultivate a buoyant, joyous sense of the crowded kindnesses of God in your daily life (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Turn your confidence and your fears alike into prayer (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Yes, every sin is a mistake, and the epitaph for the sinner is, thou fool (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Man's course begins in a garden, but it ends in a city (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Faith refers to Christ. Holiness depends on faith. Heaven depends on holiness (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The vision of the Divine presence ever takes the form which our circumstances most require (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
There can be no faith so feeble that Christ does not respond toil (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Surely scripture is right when it makes the sin of sins that unbelief, which is at bottom nothing else than a refusal to take the cup of salvation. Surely no sharper grief can be inflicted upon the spirit of God than when we leave his gifts neglected and unappropriated (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
In making our decisions, we must use the brains that God has given us. But we must also use our hearts which He also gave us. A man who has not learned to say, no - who is not resolved that he will take God's way, in spite of every dog that can bay or bark at him, in spite of every silvery choice that woos him aside - will be a weak and a wretched man till he dies (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Logically, faith comes first, and love next; but in life they will spring up together in the soul; the interval which separates them is impalpable, and in every act of trust, love is present; and fundamental to every emotion of love to Christ is trust in Christ (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
We are only asking you to give to Christ that which you give to others, to transfer the old emotions, the blessed emotions, the exercise of which makes gladness in the life here below, to transfer them to Him, and to rest safe in the Lord. Faith is trust (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Trust yourselves, my brethren, to the immortal love and perfect work of the Divine Saviour, and by His dear might your days will advance by peaceful stages, whereof each gathers up and carries forward the blessings of all that went before, to a death which shall be a birth (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Brethren, understand that the gospel is a gospel which brings a present salvation; and try to feel that it is not presumption, but simply out of the very fundamental principle of it, when you are not afraid to say, I know that my redeemer is yonder, and I know that he loves me (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
The message of love can never come into a human soul, and pass away from it unreceived, without leaving that spirit worse, with all it's lowest characteristics strengthened, and all it's best ones depressed, by the fact of rejection (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
And so, in calm expectation of a blessed future and a finished work which will explain the past, in honest submission of out way to God, in supreme delight in Him who is the gladness of our joy, the secret of tranquillity will be ours (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)
Let us learn how the love of Christ, received into the heart, triumphs gradually but surely over all sin, transforms character, turning even it's weakness into strength, and so, from the depths of transgression and the very gates of hell, raises men to God (Alexander Maclaren Quotes)