Alexander Pope Quotes

Text Quotes
Lo! The poor Indian, whose untutored mind sees God in clouds, or hears him in the wind (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Never was it given to mortal man - To lie so boldly as we women can (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Slave to no sect, who takes no private road, but looks through nature up to nature's god (Alexander Pope Quotes)
The learned is happy, nature to explore; The fool is happy, that he knows no more (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Trust not yourself, but your defects to know, make use of every friend and every foe (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Judges and senates have been bought for gold; Esteem and love were never to be sold (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Who pants for glory, finds but short repose; A breath revives him, or a breath o’erthrows (Alexander Pope Quotes)
He who tells a lie is not sensible of how great a task he undertakes; for he must be forced to invent twenty more to maintain that one (Alexander Pope Quotes)
When rumours increase, and when there is an abundance of noise and clamour, believe the second report (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Vices and virtues are of a strange nature, for the more we have, the fewer we think we have (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Offend her, and she knows not to forgive; Oblige her, and she’ll hate you while you live (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Unblemish’d let me live or die unknown; Oh, grant an honest fame, or grant me none! (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Giving advice is many times only the privilege of saying a foolish thing one’s self, under the pretense of hindering another from doing one (Alexander Pope Quotes)
To buy books as some do who make no use of them, only because they were published by an eminent printer, is much as if a man should buy clothes that did not fit him, only because they were made by some famous tailor (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Fine sense and exalted sense are not half so useful as common sense. There are forty men of wit for one man of sense; and he that will carry nothing about him but gold, will be every day at a loss for want of readier change (Alexander Pope Quotes)
The best way to prove the clearness of our mind, is by showing its faults; as when a stream discovers the dirt at the bottom, it convinces us of the transparency and purity of the water (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Praise is like ambergrease: a little whiff of it, and by snatches, is very agreeable; but when a man holds a whole lump of it to your nose, it is a stink, and strikes you down (Alexander Pope Quotes)
It often happens that those are the best people whose characters have been most injured by slanderers: as we usually find that to be the sweetest fruit which the birds have been picking at (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Women use lovers as they do cards; they play with them a while, and when they have got all they can by them, throw them away, call for new ones, and then perhaps lose by the new all they got by the old ones (Alexander Pope Quotes)
It is observable that the ladies frequent tragedies more than comedies; the reason may be, that in tragedy their sex is deified and adored, in comedy exposed and ridiculed (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Let fortune do her worst, whatever she makes us lose, so long as she never makes us lose our honesty and our independence (Alexander Pope Quotes)
A perfect judge will read each word of wit with the same spirit that its author writ (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Do you find yourself making excuses when you do not perform? Shed the excuses and face reality. Excuses are the loser’s way out. They will mar your credibility and stunt your personal growth (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Never elated while one man’s oppress’d;Never dejected while another’s blessed (Alexander Pope Quotes)
If it be the chief point of friendship to comply with a friends motions and inclinations, he possesses this in a eminent degree; he lies down when I sit, and walks when I walk, which is more than many good friends can pretend to do (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Be thou the first true merit to befriend, his praise is lost who stays till all commend (Alexander Pope Quotes)
An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie; for an excuse is a lie guarded (Alexander Pope Quotes)
And all who told it added something new, and all who heard it, made enlargements too (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Beauties in vain their pretty eyes may roll; charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Genius creates, and taste preserves. Taste is the good sense of genius; without taste, genius is only sublime folly (Alexander Pope Quotes)