Alexander Pope Quotes

Text Quotes
While expletives their feeble aid do join, and ten low words oft creep in one dull line (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Why has not man a microscopic eye? For this plain reason, man is not a fly (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Be not the first by which a new thing is tried, or the last to lay the old aside (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Teach me to feel another’s woe. To hide the fault I see: That the mercy I show to others; that mercy also show to me (Alexander Pope Quotes)
A king may be a tool, a thing of straw; but if he serves to frighten our enemies, and secure our property, it is well enough; a scarecrow is a thing of straw, but it protects the corn (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Warms in the sun, refreshes in the breeze, glows in the stars, and blossoms in the trees (Alexander Pope Quotes)
The nations bleed where’er her steps she turns; the groan still deepens, and the combat burns (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Piecemeal they win this acre first then, that, glean on, and gather up the whole estate (Alexander Pope Quotes)
To whom can riches give repute or trust, content or pleasure, but the good and just? Judges and senates have been bought for gold, esteem and love were never to be sold (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Nothing is more certain than much of the force; as well as grace, of arguments or instructions depends their conciseness (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Offend her, and she knows not to forgive; oblige here, and she’ll hate you while you live (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Homer excels all the inventors of other arts in this: that he has swallowed up the honor of those who succeeded him (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Dulness! Whose good old cause I yet defend, with whom my muse began, with who shall end (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Bright as the sun her eyes the gazers strike, and, like the sun, they shine on all alike (Alexander Pope Quotes)
From the moment one sets up for an author, one must be treated as ceremoniously, that is as unfaithfully, as a king’s favorite or a king (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Friend, for your epitaph I’m grieved, where still so much is said; one half will never be believed, the other never read (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Faints into airs and languishes with pride; on the rich quilt sinks with becoming woe, wrapt in a gown for sickness and for show (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Heaven to mankind impartial we confess, if all are equal in their happiness; but equal wants this happiness increase, all nature’s difference keeps all nature’s peace (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Vice is a monster of so frightful mien, as to be hated need but to be seen; yet seen too oft, familiar with her face, we first endure, then pity, then embrace (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Evasive of the bridal day, she gives fond hopes to all, and all with hope deceives (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Conceit is to nature what paint is to beauty; it is not only needless but impairs what it would improve (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Who pants for glory, finds but short repose; a breath revives him, or a breath overthrows (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Reason, however able, cool at best, cares not for service, or but serves when prest, stays till we call, and then not often near (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Like bubbles on the sea of matter borne, they rise, they break, and to that sea return (Alexander Pope Quotes)
To buy books only because they were published by an eminent printer is much as if a man should buy clothes that did not fit him, only because made by some famous tailor (Alexander Pope Quotes)
It is vanity which makes the rake at twenty, the worldly man at forty, and the retired man at sixty. We are apt to think that best in general for which we find ourselves pest fitted in particular (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Get wealth and power, if possible by grace, if not, by any means, get wealth and place (Alexander Pope Quotes)
See! From the brake the whirring pheasant springs, and mounts exulting on triumphant wings: Short is his joy; he feels the fiery wound, flutters in blood, and panting beats the ground (Alexander Pope Quotes)
Get your enemies to read your works in order to mend them, for your friend is so much your second self that he will judge too like you (Alexander Pope Quotes)
When two people compliment each other with the choice of anything, each of them generally gets that which he likes least (Alexander Pope Quotes)