Alexander Pushkin Quotes

Text Quotes
Please, never despise the translator. He’s the mailman of human civilization (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
I have outlasted all desire,My dreams and I have grown apart;My grief alone is left entire,The gleamings of an empty heart.The storms of ruthless dispensationHave struck my flowery garland numb,I live in lonely desolationAnd wonder when my end will come.Thus on a naked tree-limb, blastedBy tardy winter’s whistling chill,A single leaf which has outlastedIts season will be trembling still. (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
A man who’s active and incisive can yet keep nail-care much in mind: why fight what’s known to be decisive? custom is despot of mankind (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
I do not like Moscow life. You live here not as you want to live, but as old women want you to (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Thank you, darling, for learning to play chess. It is an absolute necessity for any well organized family. (in a letter to his wife) (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Don’t be sad, don’t be angry, if life deceives you! Submit to your grief - your time for joy will come, believe me (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
I loved you: and, it may be, from my soul The former love has never gone away, But let it not recall to you my dole; I wish not sadden you in any way. I loved you silently, without hope, fully, In diffidence, in jealousy, in pain; I loved you so tenderly and truly, As let you else be loved by any man (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
My whole life has been pledged to this meeting with you (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
I am married and happy. My only wish is that nothing will change (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Ballet is a dance executed by the human soul (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Somewhere between obsession and compulsion is impulse (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Better the illusions that exalt us than ten thousand truths (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Ecstasy is a glass full of tea and a piece of sugar in the mouth (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
I want to understand you, I study your obscure language (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Try to be forgotten. Go live in the country. Stay in mourning for two years, then remarry, but choose somebody decent (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
It is better to have dreamed a thousand dreams that never were than never to have dreamed at all (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Fearing no insult, asking for no crown, receive with indifference both flattery and slander, and do not argue with a fool (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
My dreams, my dreams! What has become of their sweetness? What indeed has become of my youth? (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
If you but knew the flames that burn in me which I attempt to beat down with my reason (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)
Moral maxims are surprisingly useful on occasions when we can invent little else to justify our actions (Alexander Pushkin Quotes)