Alexandra Adornetto Quotes

Text Quotes
I was the kind of kid who was always making up stories and adventures (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
A man in love can do extraordinary things, I don’t care if you’re an angel, you’re my angel, and I won’t let you go. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
In him I saw my furture In him I saw my friend In him I saw my destiny Both my beginning and end (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Because the path of the righteous man was never supposed to be easy,’ I whispered. ‘Those who are chosen by the Lord are given a hard journey. The rewards will come later (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
If you try to use Christ as a solution to your problems, it will not work. You have to serve Him in order for Him to serve you (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I have a word quota I try to fulfill every day, and I try to do that in the morning and into the afternoon and then go out with friends at night. I love singing and have lessons and enjoy drama, and so I am involved in that. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Childhood is just this amazing place, and in my books, I was trying to express my concern about childhood being eroded. You have kids’ TV programs being interrupted by terrorist attacks, and kids are exposed to so much these days. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
The subject of angels and demons really grabbed me. There is a huge mass of information, and the Bible is one of the most amazing reference points. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
It was ironic how love could awaken them to the wonders of the universe, while at the same time confine their attention to one another. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I’ve had a few embarrassing moments in restaurants. I tried to order a quesadilla, and I totally mispronounced the word. And another time, I asked for some toast with Marmite, and they had no idea what I was asking for! (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Here is just the beginning of a list of skills that exam results cannot possibly hope to reflect: interpersonal skills, the ability to entertain, how articulate we are as speakers, our ability to work as part of a team, the ability to deal with challenges and invention. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
We have a host of English teachers in the family. My mum is an English teacher, and so are my dad, my aunt and my uncle. I have grown up with family writing competitions, and I can’t remember a birthday or Christmas present that didn’t include books. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Molly: So how do you think of Bryce Hamilton crowd so far? Boys hot enough for you?Bethany: I wouldn’t say hot. Most of them seem to have a normal body temperature. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Molly: So how do you think of Bryce Hamilton crowd so far? Boys hot enough for you? Bethany: I wouldn’t say hot. Most of them seem to have a normal body temperature. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I never thought about writing a novel until I was 13, and that happened by chance. I was on school holidays, and I was bored, and I thought I just wanted to do something to occupy myself instead of asking, ‘What can I do, mum? Entertain me.’ I started, and it really just took over, and I realised, ‘Wow, this is an amazing experience.’ (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
That is when you need faith the most. Not when everything is going your way, not when you have much to be thankful for, but when there is darkness all around (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Imagination and invention go hand in hand. Remember how lack of resources was never a problem in childhood games? Shift a few pieces of furniture around the living room, and you have yourself a fort. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
How could you tell children they were playing with fire if they´d never had the experience of being burned? (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
Some say we can’t choose who we fall in love with; love chooses us. Sometimes people fall for the complete antithesis of everything they believe they’re looking for. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I have never had other kids in the house... I had a huge collection of marbles, and they all had names, which I think concerned my parents. I used to go and sweep outside and talk to myself, and my mum’s friends would be over and say, ‘Do you realise she is talking to herself?’ (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I’m afraid that’s inappropriate behavior for the schoolyard, Xavier teasedI know my charm is hard to resist, but please tray and control yourself. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I’m afraid that’s inappropriate behavior for the schoolyard, Xavier teased. I know my charm is hard to resist, but please tray and control yourself. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
The South is full of memories and ghosts of the past. For me, it is the most inspiring place to write, from William Faulkner’s haunted antebellum home to the banks of the Mississippi to the wind that whispers through the cotton fields. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
I prayed for all his dreams to come true. I prayed that I would always be able to connect with him--even if I was no longer on earth. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
At one school I visited, everyone had read ‘Halo,’ and they were all dressed up as angels - with halos! (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
The young people I know judge leaders by their deeds and abhor hypocrisy. Inconsistency and point-scoring do not win respect. It’s not easy to be engaged in political debate when it is reduced to performers trying to outdo each other. Actions from leaders must mirror the values they claim to espouse. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
VCE exams do not showcase students’ abilities. By this, I mean that the system fails to recognise the diversity of skills, and most subjects do not allow students to demonstrate skills in a form other than a written exam. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
As the final weeks of my schooling draw to a close and exams loom, I find myself reflecting on the past six years of my secondary education only to realise that many questions are still unanswered. How have I been shaped by my learning experiences? What skills have I developed that are valuable and transferable in the workplace? (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)
My school is very good and quite understanding and know I have to take time off for interviews or writers’ festivals. (Alexandra Adornetto Quotes)