Alfred Hitchcock Quotes

Text Quotes
This award is meaningful because it comes from my fellow dealers in celluloid (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
The Birds could be the most terrifying motion picture I have ever made (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Puns are the highest form of literature (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Conversation is the enemy of good wine and food (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
I've become a body of films, not a man, I am all those films (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
The best actor is the man who can do nothing extremely well (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
The silent pictures were the purest form of cinema (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
A glimpse into the world proves that horror is nothing other than reality (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Suspense is like a woman. The more left to the imagination, the more the excitement (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
One must never set up a murder. They must happen unexpectedly, as in life (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Mystery is an intellectual process... But suspense is essentially an emotional process (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Drama is real life with all the boring parts cut out (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Film your murders like love scenes, and film your love scenes like murders (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Kicking is very important in football. In fact, some of the more enthusiastic players even kick the ball, occasionally (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
I suddenly realized how much I loved her when we attended Alfred Hitchcock’s 75th birthday party last August. There was something magical about that night, and it made me see how much she really meant to me (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
I’ve heard that Alfred Hitchcock said that by the time he was ready to shoot a film, he didn’t even want to do it any more because he’d already had all of the fun of working it out. It’s the same thing with these Frank comics (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
He was such a fabulous drama coach. What better person to have than Alfred Hitchcock? His work as a director was impeccable. I learned so much (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
They know you’re not Alfred Hitchcock, but you need to be enough Alfred Hitchcock for them not to be bothered by it. That’s a reassuring thing (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Fear isn’t so difficult to understand. After all, weren’t we all frightened as children? Nothing has changed since Little Red Riding Hood faced the big bad wolf. What frightens us today is exactly the same sort of thing that frightened us yesterday. It’s just a different wolf. This fright complex is rooted in every individual (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
There are several differences between a footballl game and a revolution. For one thing, a football game usually lasts longer and the participants wear uniforms. Also there are more injuries at a football game (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
A woman of mystery is one who also has a certain maturity and whose actions speak louder than words. Any woman can be one, if she keeps those two points in mind. She should grow up-and shut up (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Hitchcock was one of the few people in Hollywood who had a brand. Every movie he made was an Alfred Hitchcock movie, couldn’t have been anyone else (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Our original title, you know, was `The Man in Lincoln`s Nose`. Couldn`t use it, though. They also wouldn`t let us shoot people on Mount Rushmore. Can`t deface a national monument. And it`s a pity, too, because I had a wonde (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Every time you look at a house in Los Angeles, the real-estate agent will tell you that someone famous once lived there. It always seemed irrelevant to me: Does a property gain value just because Alfred Hitchcock used to eat breakfast there? (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
One never knows the ending. One has to die to know exactly what happens after death, although Catholics have their hopes (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
William Castle and Alfred Hitchcock were the first director-personalities. Before then, nobody in America knew what a director was (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Alfred Hitchcock, Isaac Newton, Elvis Presley, Captain Bligh, they’re heroic or pathetic depending on which book you buy. (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
Alfred Hitchcock had to find ways to create tension without showing it, but now with computer-generated effects you can show anything. (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
I make my living doing freelance directing for North American television shot in Toronto, series like Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Twilight Zone, and so forth. (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)
I’m a frustrated actor. My ... goal is to beat Alfred Hitchcock in the number of cameos. I’m going to try to break his record. (Alfred Hitchcock Quotes)