Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes

Text Quotes
There is no joy but calm! (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
One still strong man in a blatant land (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Come out, my lord, it is a world of fools. 22 (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Unalterably and pesteringly fond (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Charm us, orator, till the lion look no larger than the cat (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Yet the moonlight is the sunlight and the sun himself will pass (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
In the spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
He works his work, I mine (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
He seems so near and yet so far (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
I myself must mix with action, lest I wither by despair (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Cursed be the social lies that warp us from the living truth (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Cursed be the gold that gilds the straitened forehead of a fool! (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
As the husband is, the wife is: thou art mated with a clown (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Don’t thou marry for money, but go where money is! (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
For men may come and men may go, but I go on for ever (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
God make thee good as thou art beautiful (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Fresh from brawling courts and dusty purlieus of the law (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
God of battles, was ever a battle like this in the world before? (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Great in council and great in war, foremost captain of his time (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Every moment dies a man, every moment one is born (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Her eyes are homes of silent prayer (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
I am a part of all I have met (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Man dreams of fame while woman wakes to love (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
May there be no moaning of the bar, when I put out to sea (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
O you chorus of indolent reviewers (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Love is of the valley, come thou down and find him (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
On the bald street breaks the blank day (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
O tell her, brief is life but love is long (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Our loyal passion for our temperate kings (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Our little systems have their day; they have their day and cease to be (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)