Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes

Text Quotes
And there they placed a peacock in his pride, before the damsel (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Music that brings sweet sleep down from the blissful skies (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
In that fierce light which beats upon a throne (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
You have but fed on the roses, and lain in the lilies of life (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Pure vestal thoughts in the translucent fane of her still spirit (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Our father’s dust is left alone and silent under other snows (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Wheresoe’er thou move, good luck shall fling her old shoe after (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
But I was born to other things (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
But over all things brooding slept the quiet sense of something lost (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
But that old man, who is lord of the broad estate and the hall, dropped off gorged from a scheme which left us flaccid and drained (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Men at most differ as Heaven and Earth, but women, worst and best, as Heaven and Hell (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
This is truth the poet sings, that a sorrow’s crown of sorrows is remembering happier things (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
O Love! what hours were thine and mine, In lands of palm and southern pine; In lands of palm, of orange-blossom, Of olive, aloe, and maize and vine! (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Read my little fable: He that runs may read. Most can raise the flowers now, For all have got the seed (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Whate’er thy joys, they vanish with the day: Whate’er thy griefs, in sleep they fade away, To sleep! to sleep! Sleep, mournful heart, and let the past be past: Sleep, happy soul, all life will sleep at last (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Gone - flitted away, Taken the stars from the night and the sun From the day! Gone, and a cloud in my heart (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
But what am I? An infant crying in the night: An infant crying for the light: And with no language but a cry (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
The splendour falls on castle walls and snowy summits old in story: The long light shakes across the lakes, and the wild cataract leaps in glory. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying, blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
O love, O fire! once he drew With one long kiss my whole soul through My lips, as sunlight drinketh dew (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Who loves not Knowledge? Who shall rail Against her beauty? May she mix With men and prosper! Who shall fix Her pillars? Let her work prevail (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
That loss is common would not make My own less bitter, rather more: Too common! Never morning wore To evening, but some heart did break (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier’ (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
So now I have sworn to bury All this dead body of hate I feel so free and so clear By the loss of that dead weight (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Pray for my soul. More things are wrought by prayer Than this world dreams of: Wherefore, let they voice, Rise like a fountain for me night and day (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
O son, thou hast not true humility, The highest virtue, mother of them all; But her thou hast not know; for what is this? Thou thoughtest of thy prowess and thy sins Thou hast not lost thyself to save thyself (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
From yon blue heavens above us bent The gardener Adam and his wife Smile at the claims of long descent. Howe’er it be, it seems to me, ‘Tis only noble to be good. Kind hearts are more than coronets, And simple faith than Norman blood (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Oh that it were possible, After long grief and pain, To find the arms of my true love, Around me once again (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
Of love that never found his earthly close, What sequel? Streaming eyes and breaking hearts; Or all the same as if he had not been? (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
It’s better to have tried and failed than to live life wondering what would’ve happened if I had tried (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs: the deep Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends, Tis not too late to seek a newer world (Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes)